Hiii friend!!! Updated 23.02.22 – 15:32 timing!!!
A lot of people say having kids is one of the best things that could ever happen to someone. Children bring families so much love and life with their innocence and playfulness. Most parents think it’s ideal to have a son and a daughter. This couple has been trying to have a baby girl for many years, and at last, they got pregnant with one. Little did they know that they were in for a surprise.

The Parents Of Two Boys Wish For A Girl But Got Something So Much Better
The Big Day
The married California couple, Katie and Angelo had two incredible boys. Having a baby can be such an exciting thing for couples. Normally, parents feel a sense of excitement along with some nerves as the moment their baby will be born comes near. At the Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego, two days had been all about prepping for a new baby for a specific family.

The Big Day