Ellen DeGeneres – Comedian, Television Host, Writer & Producer
The difference between the two photos is actually quite small! Maybe Ellen is a woman with a manly face, or maybe Male Ellen is a woman with a manly face? Whatever the case may be, the only difference appears to be the facial hair! We’re not sure which version is superior, but if we have to choose, we’ll go with traditional feminine Ellen. After the allegations of a terrible work climate on her set, her long-running program is finally coming to an end next year. Would Ellis DeGeneres have gone above and beyond?

Ellen DeGeneres
Tom Holland – Actor
Since taking the character of Spiderman and truly making it his own, Tom Holland has become a worldwide favorite. If he were a woman, would he still be a global favorite? Yes, we think so! Female Tom is quite attractive, and he/she looks great with long hair! The only regret would be the loss of Tom Holland and Zendaya, which would be detrimental to no one! Tommie Holland as Spidergirl, on the other hand, would have been a blast!

Tom Holland