40+ Women Shared Their Worst Dating App Experiences

Published on 09/20/2022

40+ Women Shared Their Worst Dating App Experiences

Today’s dating scene is very different from what it was in the past. From courting to bar meet-cutes, from dating websites to swiping right on apps that aren’t always used for what they were designed for. We’ve put up a list of the worst dating app flops that women have had the misfortune to encounter, from poor pick-up lines to obscene queries.

A Weird Way Of Mourning

A Weird Way Of Mourning

One of the most trying experiences for animal lovers is losing a beloved pet. Pets become a part of our family, even though they are unable to communicate with us, and brighten our days and lives until they pass away one day. Why on earth did he believe it was proper to send this message, especially over half a day later? It only demonstrates that he was never sincere in connecting with the person he was messaging. I bet he was quickly blocked.

A Little Too Honest

It’s intimidating to write your bio for a dating app. In order to stand out from the thousands of other individuals doing the same thing, you must try to condense what makes you intriguing into a relatively small number of words while simultaneously making it sufficiently distinctive.

A Little Too Honest

A Little Too Honest

Some people choose more…innovative strategies, and we must admit that it did not succeed in this case. Even though referring to yourself as “white trash” is enough to make girls gag, that pick-up line receives a -1/10 on our quality scale.

An Old Acquaintance

The majority of phone number exchanges have an end date. Things normally come to an end if the parties don’t get in touch with one another within a predetermined period of time or the chat goes on for too long.

An Old Acquaintance

An Old Acquaintance

But not if you’re this man. It appears that he wasn’t present for their previous meeting. Never, ever ask someone to act as a fallback. Being a backup is something nobody enjoys.

The Most Creative Rejection

Some individuals appear to mistakenly believe that the word “dating app” actually refers to a “hookup app,” and they attempt to use it that way. They are unaware that approaching random users of an app rarely if ever, succeeds. They continue to try, nevertheless.

The Most Creative Rejection

The Most Creative Rejection

They can drive you crazy if you don’t have a sense of humor about these unwelcome texts. As a result, some people, like this girl, are being inventive with their rejections. It’s similar to a superb turn-down line.

An Irrelevant Simile

When it comes to dating, various people have different preferences. Some people love tall people, while others go for someone of their own height. Then there are some who have preferences based on age, such as favoring an older person or, in this example, a younger one.

An Irrelevant Simile

An Irrelevant Simile

It doesn’t work on Facebook and it won’t work for you, Pete. “Most of you will swipe left” sounds like those goofy viral Facebook postings that state something like, “Most people will just scroll past this instead of sharing.”

Heartbroken & Lacking Security

While some claim that honesty is the greatest policy, others also assert that honesty should also be practiced in moderation. You don’t want to purposefully make yourself sound horrible in your dating bio, but you also don’t want to be dishonest.

Heartbroken & Lacking Security

Heartbroken & Lacking Security

Before he added the final line, he might have found someone who could understand his terrible predicament. We don’t think anyone would swipe right after reading this kind of bio because it’s disgusting and fetishizing.

Time to Move On

Most of us definitely didn’t plan on experiencing a global pandemic, so we are relieved to finally be beginning to see some relief. However, some people have seen that light earlier than others, which can occasionally lead to awkward situations.

Time To Move On

Time To Move On

He pushed and then attacked her concerns, adding a snarky “sweetie” at the end, instead of simply respecting the fact that she doesn’t feel at ease. It’s not the best approach to persuade someone to hang out.

A Clever Comeback

On dating apps, women frequently receive disturbing messages during the first few texts they exchange with a potential match. Trying to make true connections can be really challenging.

A Clever Comeback

A Clever Comeback

Who sends anything like this as their very first message to a match? We praise this girl for answering with a really creative comeback that respectfully informs Tanner, “Go away, not interested.” Undoubtedly not someone with a high rate of success. Tanner, good luck in your upcoming game.

Perfectly Reasonable Demand

The ability to connect with people we might never have otherwise met is one of the best things about the internet. However, women must take extra precautions because of the potential danger that comes with internet anonymity.

Perfectly Reasonable Demand

Perfectly Reasonable Demand

He wouldn’t be so concerned about how totally natural it is to want to meet someone in public the first time you’re meeting them if he weren’t a creep. We assume he has something to hide since he seems uncomfortable.

Meetup or Hookup?

Anyone who inquires about a girl’s meetup habits on a dating app is really requesting information on her willingness to hook up with a total stranger. Since it’s a dating app, the majority of girls respond “no.”

Meetup or Hookup?

Meetup or Hookup?

Here, the follow-up message was wholly superfluous. When it was obviously clear they didn’t want to meet up, how is anyone even expected to reply to that? Other than making the woman uncomfortable, it has no effect.

Someone Is a Woman Hater

Some people seem to have a tremendous vendetta towards women. They might have endured earlier rejection, or they might simply have had bad luck. But whatever it is, they feel compelled to lash out and lay responsibility for their misfortune on others.

Someone Is A Woman Hater

Someone Is A Woman Hater

It’s incredibly difficult to think the person is a “decent, kind-hearted man” after reading this “About Me” since it sounds like he’s someone who has convinced himself he’s a lovely guy and nothing is ever his fault.

I’m Hot in Person

When females were younger, parents used to tell them that a boy on the playground was picking on them because he liked them. It’s not true, yet some of those young boys had the misconception that insults were the best way to win over a girl.

I’m Hot In Person

I’m Hot In Person

She responded in a somewhat petulant manner, but to be honest, he had no business sending that opening line. Blonde girls are sick and weary of having their appearance made fun of. It’s an old joke that ought to have been dropped ages ago.

Poured His Heart Out

Some people believe that the size of the bedroom is vital, while others place greater value on other factors. One thing is certain, though: men put a lot of pressure on themselves to reach a certain size, which is why many of them lie or exaggerate.

Poured His Heart Out

Poured His Heart Out

Knowing what additional messages he sent would be helpful because talking about his size isn’t exactly considered “pouring his heart out.” It more closely resembles trying to boast and failing. We fail to see how that represents romance or a genuine connection.

I Had a Girlfriend

The seedier aspect of dating apps involves persons looking for a side connection while already in a partnership. The other girl or guy may learn the truth from time to time, or they may not.

I Had A Girlfriend

I Had A Girlfriend

Whether or whether he is still dating the woman, one has to wonder how much time had gone between his encounter with Jessica and this message. It’s unclear to us how telling her all these years later demonstrates respect for your partner.

Disqualified From Many Women

There are many preconceived notions about what women look for in a partner. Many men appear to believe that emotionally abusive “bad boys” are the only ones women choose and that this is the reason why they haven’t found love.

Disqualified From Many Women

Disqualified From Many Women

Has this person thought that perhaps he is the issue here? He doesn’t know what he’s looking for, he already has children, and he rejects the idea that there is a global pandemic. He seems to have baggage, to be honest.

Compliment or Not

Some guys appear to have mastered the art of making underhanded compliments. These are flattering remarks that are actually veiled insults rather than genuine praise. Here, Clayton is a perfect illustration of what to avoid saying.

Compliment Or Not

Compliment Or Not

Even his purpose in this situation is unclear to us. He makes an odd comment, then a crude remark, and then acts astonished when the girl becomes irritated. What good does “half a compliment” do? Then he offers yet another unintentional compliment. Talk about conflicting cues!

Tales of a Drama Queen

Men want to portray women as dramatic and challenging to grasp, but this is not truer of women than of men. Many guys struggle to manage their emotions, have emotional outbursts, and have fits. That partially stems from society.

Tales Of A Drama Queen

Tales Of A Drama Queen

This man is an excellent illustration. Instead of truly attempting to strike up a discussion, using an overly dramatic message to persuade someone to respond to you is very pathetic. I’m hoping she didn’t bother to reply to his previous message.

We Vibin’ Baby

Each of us has baggage. Every single person has something they bring to a relationship, whether it’s a poor relationship from the past, a medical condition, or an emotional issue. What is important is how we treat each other.

We Vibin’ Baby

We Vibin’ Baby

There are a lot of questions that are brought up by all of this baggage. Some of it is OK, but a prospective partner will undoubtedly want to know why two ex-lovers have reported them to the police. And crystal therapy, too? Really?

I Can Wear a Mask

Women are frequently approached using dating apps. There is nothing wrong if a lady decides she is truly interested in the idea, even though it might be unpleasant when someone is actively hunting for a mate.

I Can Wear A Mask

I Can Wear A Mask

She might have been here, but given the pandemic, she was understandably uneasy. We have to admit that his remark was fairly amusing, and we wonder if she concurred that the mask was an enough safety measure.

The Perfect Poem

Due to the enormous number of contacts formed via dating apps, it can be crucial to be original in the initial messages you send to potential partners. Even if they could be inappropriate, some people even compose poems.

The Perfect Poem

The Perfect Poem

We adore how she continued the game rather than dismissing him or responding angrily. To respond in such a way, you need intelligence and talent. She is ideal in our opinion as well. Gregory doesn’t have a chance in hell.

Wife Gets Revenge

The issue with cheating online and using dating apps is that you leave a very obvious trail. Not that we support infidelity, but individuals who engage in it on applications like Tinder need to understand the dangers involved.

Wife Gets Revenge

Wife Gets Revenge

We suspect that he may not have written this alone. He certainly sounds dumb, and he deserves to go to divorce court. He hopes that writing this has at least somewhat satisfied his wife.

Someone Missed the Joke

There are some songs that have transcended the karaoke genre. When you hear them on the radio, you grimace and change the channel, but when you hear them in a bar after a few drinks, you join the mob in belting out the lyrics.

Someone Missed The Joke

Someone Missed The Joke

This guy either doesn’t frequent karaoke bars or, more likely, he lives underground. It’s difficult to think that anyone in the world doesn’t know the words to “Don’t Stop Believin’.”

Didn’t Understand the Assignment

One of the various dating apps available today, Bumble, is renowned for being a little unique in that women initiate contact. It encourages them to think outside the box and provides the women a bit more power over how they engage with one another on the app.

Didn’t Understand The Assignment

Didn’t Understand The Assignment

This poor girl was simply trying to start a conversation with an interesting topic, but Alex gave her more more than she bargained for. Instead of really responding to the question, he used the chance to boast about his own experiences.

The Flavor of Youth

When selecting a companion, age is important. We often choose a partner who is within a few years of us because a significant age difference makes things more difficult. Some guys, however, solely favor younger women.

The Flavor Of Youth

The Flavor Of Youth

What type of a man believes that women have a shelf life? He’s going to be one of those 60+ men who insist on dating ladies half his age, which is quite sleazy. We’re hoping that after this exchange, she will block him.

Garfield Loves Lasagna

After a given number of dating profiles, they all begin to blend together. Therefore, it’s excellent when people make an effort to create something original or humorous to grab attention and prevent others from swiping left.

Garfield Loves Lasagna

Garfield Loves Lasagna

This guy went a little too far because it is really odd to eat lasagna off of someone’s chest. You can’t ask for no weirdos and look for anything that unusual in a girl. Mark, that just doesn’t seem right.

Don’t Want No Scrubs

TLC and the women on Bumble both say they “don’t want no scrubs.” A guy who believes he’s cool but also scrounges from those around him is called a scrub. This girl assumed she was going on a date but was really requested to provide a free last-minute Uber ride.

Don’t Want No Scrubs

Don’t Want No Scrubs

Asking someone to travel five hours for you when they don’t even know you is never acceptable. He’s attempting to guilt-trip her and imply that she isn’t a spontaneous person, which makes it worse.

Took the Joke Too Far

Most of us are sick of small conversation, especially when it involves someone we’re interested in. It is dull and laborious to inquire about careers and interests. In order to start fresh talks, people come up with clever questions.

Took The Joke Too Far

Took The Joke Too Far

Andy was flourishing right here. Why? He was aware that he had pushed the joke too far, but it was already too late. He’ll be more careful the next time to avoid destroying something that might have been positive.

What Exactly Is Happening?

We don’t know when people started using symbols like *shrug* in communications to denote bodily gestures, but it’s always awkward and needless. The tactile aspect of communication is absent from messaging, but writing it out doesn’t work.

What Exactly Is Happening?

What Exactly Is Happening?

How did he want her to react in this conversation? How does one react to a fictitious stutter, a (for some reason) Japanese hello, and then whatever that nonsense is after that? Her confusion was understandable.

Looking for Pokémon

Online dating is tiresome, and after so many awkward, dull, or offensive encounters, some people just give up hope of finding their ideal match on apps like Tinder and Bumble. But it doesn’t mean they can’t keep enjoying it.

Looking For Pokémon

Looking For Pokémon

At least he asked her what she was looking for in a respectful, direct manner and got right to the point. She probably needs to be informed that she has selected the incorrect app, though. She wants Pokémon Go, which she can find.

The Best Type of Eggs

Eggs are certainly part of everyone’s traditional breakfast. They are filling, adaptable, and may be prepared in a huge variety of ways. Therefore, this guy probably wasn’t prepared for the answer he received when he opened with a nice breakfast question.

The Best Type Of Eggs

The Best Type Of Eggs

Her response, although amusing, also moved a lovely question in an unpleasant path. She most likely just took it to a level he hadn’t intended because she was so accustomed to receiving offensive remarks.

He Almost Had It

A message exchange can only reveal so much about a person. You have plenty of time to plan out your responses, so it’s simple to act funny or more outgoing than you actually are. Therefore, video conversations are a logical progression in the online dating industry.

He Almost Had It

He Almost Had It

She apparently found him intriguing enough to consent to a video conference, but he had to make it offensive, and his follow-up messages only made it awkwarder. It’s safe to assume that she immediately turned it off.

Best a Man Can Get

Pick-up lines are an odd phenomenon because they are frequently used yet rarely successful. At best, they induce a stifled chuckle; at worst, they make the recipient cower in dread.

Best A Man Can Get

Best A Man Can Get

Although it’s good that Adam found her reaction to be insightful, it’s also disappointing because he’s evidently employed this corny remark on more than one occasion. If you want results, Adam, step it up. You should put in more effort than that for the girls you approach.

Proud Fur Baby Daddy

Nowadays, a growing number of people choose not to have children. One of the many various reasons someone might make that choice is the simple preference of some individuals for animals over people. These people frequently call their pets “fur babies.”

Proud Fur Baby Daddy

Proud Fur Baby Daddy

If he had left out the unsettling reference to kissing her cheek, his message wouldn’t have been as awful. Maybe that’s how people greet each other where he comes from, but it seems rather strange when put down in a mail.

Down in the Woods

Going camping has quietly gained in popularity as life has drifted more and more to cities and suburbs. More and more people are using it as a means to spend time outdoors, get back in touch with nature, and avoid artificial lights and air pollution.

Down In The Woods

Down In The Woods

Why must the guys always make things strange? She is currently rolling her eyes and visibly cringing rather than enjoying a pleasant talk about camping.

Way Too Picky

Picky persons are common. Others see everything wrong with a potential mate, refusing to eat the majority of foods or wear specific clothing. The latter describes our acquaintance, who is 25 years old.

Way Too Picky

Way Too Picky

Where even do we begin with this one? He has strict expectations for both his partner’s appearance and demeanor. Even if he were the sexiest man alive (which is unlikely), he has no right to make these demands.

Neither and Also Not You

We’re all for launching the discussion with a distinctive opening statement. The reason some pickup lines are so uncommon is because they are inappropriate to employ. Heck, even a routine “Hey, what’s up? would have been superior to this!

Neither And Also Not You

Neither And Also Not You

There is merit in a cliched, traditional approach to launching a conversation. Always remember to consider whether the box might not be as horrible as you believe when trying to think outside the box.

No One Asked

Some people have inflated egos to the point where they believe everyone wants to be around them. Such a person will frequently reject someone who has never even asked them out because of such a way of thinking!

No One Asked

No One Asked

That’s exactly what happened in this case when the opening statement of this person was to decline the OP, who had not messaged them at all. Our favorite part is when the guy continued to approach the OP despite being rejected. Maybe he did this to make the OP long for something they can’t have.

Answering a Question With a Question

This person was not even interested in responding to the OP’s inquiry! No, he preferred to get right to the point and ask his inquiry first. He obviously believed that his question was more crucial and couldn’t possibly wait.

Answering A Question With A Question

Answering A Question With A Question

Ironically, if the OP wasn’t hoping for a serious response, he might have gotten it if he’d first had a pleasant conversation. He will now be left alone, with only his hockey stick for company.

What’s the Goal Here?

What Bret is attempting to accomplish with this dating profile is extremely unclear to us. Does he want subscribers to his YouTube channel or a sugar daddy? Or maybe he’s looking for a sugar daddy to pay for subscribers to his YouTube channel.

What’s The Goal Here?

What’s The Goal Here?

What’s up with the name-dropping, too? If people were truly interested in Nikita, they would simply subscribe to her channel. Sorry, Bret, but you need to improve your marketing abilities and choose a message that is clear.

Save it for Your Diary

We’re thrilled for this guy that he had such a good time, but sharing such information with someone on a dating app isn’t exactly appropriate. Would he be interested in learning about the OP’s incredible encounters with other men?

Save It For Your Diary

Save It For Your Diary

Additionally, we don’t genuinely think that his account is accurate. We concede that he might be telling the truth. It’s much more likely, though, that he’s merely attempting to appear attractive by claiming to be in high demand among women.


Texting seems to have gotten progressively more slack over time. There was a time when people would send each other well-written, grammatically accurate messages in their messages. Then, we all kind of stopped trying to use proper language and started using shorter, more concise sentences.



Emojis have taken the place of expressing one’s emotions somewhere in there. Apparently, asking for intimacy with two emojis and a question mark is now considered socially acceptable. How carefully do you believe that message was written?

Let’s Not

This individual seemed to believe that admiring someone’s images can substitute for a genuine dialogue. He even openly disregarded the original poster’s query in favor of posing his own! Really, he didn’t even phrase it as a question.

Let’s Not

Let’s Not

He simply stated his desires, assuming insolently that the OP shared them. He did enjoy her images, after all! With this one, we believe it is safe to say that chivalry is no more.

Career Advice

This person appears to have mixed career coaching with dating applications. For some reason, he believes that the OP is eager to hear his opinions and job advice.

Career Advice

Career Advice

Fortunately, this person has a lot of pretentious and offensive advice to share, which is good news for individuals who use dating apps to find job guidance (i.e., nobody). The OP probably couldn’t wait to meet this guy on a date so he could tell her more of his crazy conspiracy notions!

Honest Advertising

We’re all in favor of being truthful and upfront with a potential partner. After all, lying cannot be the foundation of a relationship. However, there can also be too much openness and honesty.

Honest Advertising

Honest Advertising

He may have been able to let the OP discover this specific piece of knowledge on her own if she so desired. Although we admire this guy’s candor regarding his circumstances, his opening statement might not be necessary.

Bringing Negging Back

This is a prime illustration of negging. For those who are unfamiliar, UrbanDictionary.com provides the following definition of begging: “Low-grade insults meant to undermine the self-confidence of a woman so she might be more vulnerable to your advances.”

Bringing Negging Back

Bringing Negging Back

Negging is frequently passed off as praise, so the individual still seems friendly. In the early 2000s, it was a very common pick-up technique, but since then, society has changed. or so we believed.

Call the Cops

We believe that much more context is needed for this message. Does he imply that he looked at her app profile yesterday? It’s alright. Does he laugh because they are now matched on the app because they know each other in real life? That’s also all right.

Call The Cops

Call The Cops

Or is he parked outside her home, eating popcorn while keeping a close eye on her every move? She should contact the police if that is the case. Because of this, context is crucial, especially for initial messages.


We’re not trying to put somebody down for not being brilliant or anything, but this is going too far. Does this guy not know about Australia? He must be old enough to have completed some elementary education if he is using a dating app.



We only want him to know that they speak English there; we’re not even asking him to point to Australia on a map (which not everyone can do). The standard is actually at an all-time low.

We Wonder Why

We’re really relieved for his fiancée that she called it quits before the wedding, so it’s not exactly unexpected that this guy’s engagement didn’t last. We wonder how many women he asked this of and whether any of them truly responded positively.

We Wonder Why

We Wonder Why

Well, it appears that this man is returning to the dating scene, which makes the present pool of available men even less enticing. Is it too late to simply adopt a cat lady persona?

That’s How Horror Movies Start

Although we admire this guy’s sense of spontaneity and love of adventure, does he really believe that a stranger’s girlfriend is ready to jump in his car for a “long” drive? What made him decide to go with that activity out of all the options he could have provided?

That’s How Horror Movies Start

That’s How Horror Movies Start

That drive even leads nowhere! Where is the cult of Chads waiting—in the woods? I agree; thank you. We’ve watched enough horror films to be aware of how those kinds of automobile rides conclude.

How to Calm Down a Stray

Oh my goodness, let’s go over each issue one by one. First of all, instead of genuinely asking, this guy simply told poor Maddie that he was coming to her house.

How to Calm Down a Stray

How to Calm Down a Stray

He attacked the person he had messaged after that, acting as though it were their fault that he had the wrong number. Finally, as soon as he discovered he was speaking to a male, he quickly became calm. At least we now understand how to settle a stray.

Accept the Red Flags

Red flags that are actual, tangible signs of danger are utilized in a variety of circumstances. Therefore, it is not surprising that the term “red flag” has been used to characterize a person’s characteristics that should raise red flags.

Accept the Red Flags

Accept the Red Flags

She undoubtedly escaped harm since he sent her a bizarre diatribe after being upset with the OP for failing to answer on Thanksgiving. His red flag tirade is a gigantic red flag, ironically!

The Perfect Woman

It’s a good idea to consider the qualities we want and don’t want in a mate. It’s critical to understand our values and our turn-offs in order to screen out candidates who don’t match the bill.

The Perfect Woman

The Perfect Woman

The girl has to respond quickly, but he can respond whenever he wants, which seems a little hypocritical. Additionally, we ponder what he will do precisely when she needs to remove her cosmetics. Will he turn away from her gaze?

Begging to Get Fired

In many professions, it’s crucial to keep work and personal life separate. You must maintain a certain level of professionalism to prevent harming the reputation of your business. Chris seemed to be unaware of that.

Begging to Get Fired

Begging to Get Fired

There is no chance Chris will still have a job if this reaches his boss, which is highly likely thanks to the internet. We also don’t think anyone would want to hook up in a garbage truck.

Some Fun Deal-Breakers

When it comes to potential partners and the individuals they decide to spend their lives with, the majority of people have deal-breakers. A typical illustration is when one partner wants children but the other doesn’t.

Some Fun Deal-Breakers

Some Fun Deal-Breakers

The list of things about this guy that is a deal-breaker is longer than his bio! Additionally, they are such trivial, dumb things. He seems like the kind of guy who would use any lame justification to end a relationship with a girl. Do not approach, ladies.

Solomon Never Met You

On dating apps like Tinder, users occasionally make false profiles. Some of the time it’s catfishing, but other times they just do it for fun and the amusement of others. This is a fantastic instance.

Solomon Never Met You

Solomon Never Met You

Gale most likely had no idea that the Messiah would turn up while he was idly swiping one day, yet that is exactly what happened. It’s nice to see how he has kept up with the trends and is now promoting himself. Everyone is worthy of love!