40+ Hilarious And Creepy Text Messages Sent To The Wrong Person

Published on 05/31/2022
40+ Hilarious And Creepy Text Messages Sent To The Wrong Person

40+ Hilarious And Creepy Text Messages Sent To The Wrong Person

People continue to send messages and phone calls to the wrong person despite modern technologies. Sometimes nothing comes of it, and other times it might lead to some bizarre talks. Although it may not seem humorous at the time, there are definitely a few giggles to be had when this happens. We’ve assembled the creepiest and most funniest inadvertent texts, from a stranger wishing you a happy birthday to receiving unsolicited photographs from creeps.

Just Checking

Just Checking

When you suspect your significant other is leaving, it can be difficult to cope. You do ridiculous things like phone random numbers and accuse them of being the other person involved in this event. But it was a little disturbing that this individual then goes on to ask these very personal questions and insinuates a whole new connection with someone they don’t even know.

Good Memory

You have a few unique people in your life, and you must remember to wish them a happy birthday. Your mother is the most important of these, and she is constantly at the top of the list.

Good Memory

Good Memory

The only genuine question we have is why this person doesn’t have his mother’s correct phone number. Something odd appears to be going on here. But, hey, he could have made a new friend!

Tell the Story

Occasionally, especially when the sender is in an emergency scenario, the message sent out might be rather intriguing. This is particularly true if the message is delivered to the incorrect phone number.

Tell The Story

Tell The Story

This text message has raised a slew of questions for us. The reality is, we understand how this incorrect number feels because we’re curious about the backstory as well! It appears to be a fascinating story!

Doing Time

It’s one thing to dial the wrong number and have a conversation before hanging up, but sometimes people go too far. Even though he doesn’t know her, this guy is attempting to hit on her.

Doing Time

Doing Time

Even though we must credit him for being mentally tough, it is also deeply disturbing and something he should have avoided at all costs.

Not Coming In

When someone from work provides you the weekly schedule, it’s always appreciated. This gives you time to get everything organized and plan your week. It also helps to know that you will arrive on time at your job.

Not Coming In

Not Coming In

This guy, on the other hand, isn’t the sharpest crayon in the box. Despite the fact that he dialed the number, he continues to dispute with the individual. If we had been the opposite party, we would have probably simply ceased messaging him.

Making Plans

On the weekends, it’s fun to get together with friends and hang around. It’s fantastic that this guy was attempting to arrange a fun nightly activity for his companions. Plus, it appears that he has made a new friend.

Making Plans

Making Plans

We sometimes believe that the universe just places obstacles in our way so that we might take a different path. This guy didn’t have any plans before, but now he does! What a huge miscommunication!

Wrong Name

When you go out for the night on a regular basis, you accumulate a few phone numbers. If you haven’t been abstaining from alcoholic beverages, you may find yourself in some difficult situations when you decide to SMS those numbers.

Wrong Name

Wrong Name

The funniest part of this whole encounter is the reaction from the wrong number, which is a bit creepy. However, this could be the guy’s type, leading to a far creepier chat.


We’re perplexed as to how someone might dial the erroneous number and then claim to be the victim of the accident. The person appeared to be attempting to be kind and empathetic until the man was seriously injured.



But, in the end, the incorrect number had the last laugh, and what a laugh it was! Truth will set you free, but it can also be painful at times.

Inner Dialogue

When it comes to hooking up with someone, being playful might be a great approach to get things started. But if someone tells you that you’re dialing the wrong number and you keep doing it, it’s weird.

Inner Dialogue

Inner Dialogue

This guy simply didn’t even realize he was having conversations with the wrong person and proceeded to send weird and slightly unsettling messages. What a terrible and awful situation!

All in Good Humor

It’s tempting to just go along with the scenario and pretend you’re the person they wanted to text when you get a false number. However, you must hope that the person on the other end of the line has a decent sense of humor when you do this.

All In Good Humor

All In Good Humor

This entire exchange lasted far too long, but it was rather amusing in the end. It is strange and possibly unsettling, but at the very least it got everyone laughing.


You’ll occasionally send playful messages back and forth in a relationship to keep things exciting. You can only hope that these messages reach their intended recipients; otherwise, they may be concerned and ask questions.



However, we’re on the same page as this person! What was the purpose of this? We sure hope it’s someone with whom they’re already involved, because this isn’t the way to meet someone new!

Not the Problem

We find it baffling that even when someone is aware that the number is incorrect, they continue to provide excessive information. Despite being advised that he had dialed the incorrect number, this individual continued to detail a part of his body that he probably shouldn’t have spoken with a stranger.

Not The Problem

Not The Problem

So we believe the person he’s speaking with is correct; there’s probably a reason Ashly gave him the wrong number! It wasn’t what he was thinking, but you can imagine what it was.

Later Skater

It’s infuriating when you’ve had a pleasant talk with someone and are given their phone number only to find out it’s wrong! So we understand why this man is angry, but why was he angry with the individual with whom he was conversing?

Later Skater

Later Skater

On the other hand, it does seem that they merely wanted to be friends, but they obviously recognized why the guy would have dialed the wrong number in the first place.

Not the Person You’re Looking For

It’s one thing to accidentally send a message to the wrong number once, but doing so again is asking for trouble. This man was insistent that he had the correct phone number and that he wanted to meet up with this individual.

Not The Person You’re Looking For

Not The Person You’re Looking For

Sad to say, it does not appear that the other individual is interested in going out. We can kind of see why, thanks to the second message!

How Old?

Texting someone to see if they’re interested in getting together takes a lot of guts. However, if you send that text to the wrong person, it could result in some embarrassment and possibly missed opportunities.

How Old?

How Old?

But this person was attempting to make the best of a terrible situation, and in our opinion, he went a little too far. However, you can decide where you think it landed.

Just a Reminder

A wonderful friend is one who reaches out to gently remind you of the importance of your relationships. We believe that the advise given by this individual is sound for anyone. As a result, it’s fantastic that the wrong number followed the advise!

Just A Reminder

Just A Reminder

After all, even if it’s not a special day, getting flowers for your significant other is a great option to consider. But then again, it could also raise some questions!

Repeat Offender

We’re baffled as to why you would receive a wrong number notice and then return to it hours later and dial the identical number. If the number was incorrect the first time, it will be incorrect the second time.

Repeat Offender

Repeat Offender

What’s more, this individual insulted the one with whom he was casually chatting! But nonetheless, we applaud the recipient’s attitude, which appears to be unfazed by the situation.

What Is This?!

When we see this SMS message, we have a lot of questions. But the intended recipient of this misleading information is by far the most pressing question on our minds.

What Is This?!

What Is This?!

Who thought it was a good idea to send this to someone? And who was the recipient of the message? Because that individual is just as creepy as this individual!

Good Job

People sometimes just want to be congratulated on a job well done. It isn’t required that it come from someone they know. Despite the fact that these two people had no contact, this person who delivered their scores to the erroneous phone received some admiration.

Good Job

Good Job

It’s fantastic that this person acted normally. After all, this is a kid who is attempting to share his grades with someone, so it’s best if they just play nice.

Just a Warning

What kind of warning is this individual issuing to the other?! We’re not sure what’s going on here, but we can see why the person would want to know more about what happened in the text message that was sent incorrectly.

Just A Warning

Just A Warning

What’s worse is that this person will never fully grasp what this text means! Every day, that must be killing them! Isn’t it like an itch that won’t go away?!

Like Tuna!

It’s not a good idea to text when you’re furious, as it is with anything else. That can lead to hurtful messages and things you wish you could take back once they’ve been sent.

Like Tuna!

Like Tuna!

We have no idea what Priscilla did, but there is certainly a problem, and she smells like tuna. Although this is a weak jab, anything works for you! We’d be confused and curious to learn more about the story behind this text.

All Praise Him

Text messages are often only understood by those who were present at the time. If we received this text, we’d be intrigued rather than creeped out. We might be a little frightened out, but we still think it’s hilarious!

All Praise Him

All Praise Him

At the very least, the person who received the incorrect SMS accepted it in stride. But we’re curious as to why he didn’t ask whether he could participate. He most certainly should have!

A Great Gift

When you lose someone during the holidays, it’s really difficult. Although this was an incorrect message, it appears to have offered this woman some comfort and hope, which is always a good thing.

A Great Gift

A Great Gift

We sincerely hope that this person responded to her text and had a positive conversation with her all through the holidays. That would be in keeping with the holiday spirit!

That’s So Cheesy

Certain recipes necessitate the use of specific types of cheese. However, because there are so many varieties of cheese, you may overlook one. So you call your best friend, who knows where to find the cheese you want.

That’s So Cheesy

That’s So Cheesy

Then you’re turned down because you have the wrong phone number! This is awful, but someone attempted to assist him, and it would seem that he obtained the right cheese!

Tough Time

Technology makes it simple to keep everyone informed about what’s going on in your life. It can sometimes assist people in staying connected to those they care about through difficult times.

Tough Time

Tough Time

So it’s absolutely amazing that these guys, despite getting the wrong message, reacted positively. It appears to have boosted these two’s spirits and was simply a nice thing to do.

That’s Odd

We’re not sure we’d even be willing to tell them it was the wrong number if we got this false message. Because then we’d have to explain what this is and why they’d want to do it!

That’s Odd

That’s Odd

This seems to be an intriguing way to pass the time, but we don’t think the majority of people should do it. They seem to be having a great time, though!

Someone’s Princess

When someone uses a term of fondness to describe you, it makes you feel good about yourself. It might not even matter if you know the individual; just hearing that word could brighten your day.

Someone’s Princess

Someone’s Princess

This interaction may appear creepy to everyone else, but we find it to be really nice and lovely. And we’d love to receive a message like this on our phones!

We Found Out!

It’s always a bummer when you’re close to someone and you’re the last to learn about an important life event. As a result, we can understand this person’s aggressive and angry texts to the person who they believe has wronged them.

We Found Out!

We Found Out!

At the very least, the guy on the other end didn’t respond aggressively and simply took it in stride. They could clearly see that there was some fury behind it, and rightly so.

Wonder Woman?

When you get a text from someone you don’t know, it’s sometimes amusing rather than creepy. The first sentence is simply amusing, even if it doesn’t give off a creepy vibe.

Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman?

It makes you wonder why this individual is referred to as Wonder Woman. The only problem is that this isn’t the first time the other individual has asked a question!

Kiss and Forget

We all like to believe that when we meet someone and spend romantic time with them, we will be remembered. So we want them to remember us when we text them to follow up on the interaction.

Kiss And Forget

Kiss And Forget

But how are they supposed to remember if they weren’t the ones we actually spent time with? Another person just serviced this individual. In the end, there was some sympathy, which is encouraging.

Don’t Think So

When you’re out and about, you come across things that remind you of people. We may now take a picture and send it to someone to remind them that we’re thinking about them, whether in a hilarious or sentimental way, thanks to modern technology.

Don’t Think So

Don’t Think So

However, if you email it to the incorrect person, you’re sure to get a funny response! At the very least, these men had a good chuckle about it, and while it was unsettling at first, it turned out to be rather amusing.

Motherly Advice

Whenever something goes wrong, no matter how old you are, you want to call your mother for advice. Having your mother by your side during these disasters or incidents can be really beneficial.

Motherly Advice

Motherly Advice

But nevertheless, you must find the appropriate mother! It’s admirable that this mother, who clearly possesses a maternal spirit, is still eager to assist a child who isn’t even hers.

Auto Correct

Almost everyone has been ruined by auto-correct at some point in their texting lives. That particular function, which is designed to make things easier, makes things a little more awkward and creepier than they should be.

Auto Correct

Auto Correct

We sort of understanding why he’s confused. Obviously in this case, it wasn’t the wrong phone number, but it was the wrong message that was sent during the course of action.

So Creepy!

When we encounter this image, we have no idea what to say. We’d be stunned if something like this appeared on our phones. Before any inquiries were asked, the person suddenly realized they had sent it to the wrong number.

So Creepy!

So Creepy!

Even so, we still have a few questions, which we would send out as soon as possible if it were up to us. But it can’t be just us, right?!

Lost and Found

It appears that many don’t have the correct phone number for their mother. This could be a whole distinct issue that requires attention. Why are these children missing their parents’ phone numbers?

Lost And Found

Lost And Found

It’s a good thing this lady texted another mother since it gave the dialogue a different degree of empathy and sympathy. She also double-checked on them, which is always a plus!

A Bro and His Cats

Persistence may be a good thing. Being adamant about sticking to something and seeing it through to the conclusion is a terrific attribute to have. It’s time to give up when someone constantly informs you that you’re talking to the wrong person.

A Bro And His Cats

A Bro And His Cats

What is more, we can see why this gentleman is naturally curious about how many cats this gentleman has because we would be actually worried about them as well.

Wiper Issues

Having car problems may be quite difficult no matter who you are. They can be pretty frustrating because you never know how long it will take to solve these things.

Wiper Issues

Wiper Issues

However, just because you’re unsure doesn’t mean you should attack someone like a stormtrooper! This chat moved from regular to scary to wild in a matter of seconds, with no explanation.

Google It

Doctors, like everyone else, text each other for assistance with specific circumstances. But what if they dial the wrong number? If you’re this guy, you hire someone who can Google things for you and give you a solid response.

Google It

Google It

This woman not only gave them a nice answer, but one that was good enough for her to think she could apply for a job! Strange, but hey, seize the opportunities that present themselves!

Thumbs Up

Choosing an outfit for any occasion can be a difficult task. It can be a long and frustrating procedure if you don’t have someone to help guide you or give you recommendations.

Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up

Why not send a photo with today’s technology? You simply have to hope that you sent it to the proper person – or to this family that believes that even if the number is incorrect, they should offer some type of support.

Just an Opinion

When you’re furious, you may send texts that are not only frank but also a little cruel. If you’re in a bad mood, it doesn’t matter who answers the phone; they’re going to be your adversary regardless.

Just An Opinion

Just An Opinion

This person has obviously had a difficult day, and we hope the person on the other end who received the incorrect message understands. It’s sometimes necessary to simply let go!

Give the Number

Obtaining the phone number of a former classmate can lead to a variety of possibilities. You might be able to reconnect and form a new friendship, or you could just be able to say something you’ve been meaning to say for years.

Give The Number

Give The Number

If you go ahead and do it, make sure you send it to the correct person. And don’t ask them what number is the appropriate number if you don’t send it to the right person. They definitely have no idea!

Support System

It’s likely that receiving a text that reads “I’m here for you” makes you feel quite good. But before you react, double-check that you know who’s calling and that you haven’t simply bought an Uber!

Support System

Support System

If you don’t, you can end up like this person, feeling ashamed and having to deal with it on a car ride. We couldn’t try to imagine ourselves in this situation.

Craigslist Has It All

There are numerous websites where you may purchase and sell items. Craigslist, though, will always be the first and most popular. Many individuals, however, are unaware of what you may get on Craigslist.

Craigslist Has It All

Craigslist Has It All

The intended recipient of a text message with the wrong phone number quickly discovered the answer to what can be found on Craigslist. Cows, it appears, are on the list!

Making Friends?

Wrong numbers don’t always turn out to be weird. They can occasionally develop into a pleasant conversation that can lead to new connections. That’s what we think happened in this case!

Making Friends?

Making Friends?

This guy appears to truly understand the other person’s situation and wishes to help. If you ask us, talking with someone who knows your problems is always beneficial.

Use the Force

It’s weird to receive this text from someone, though not in the traditional sense. Of course, if they’re a Star Wars fan, we understand their devotion to Obi-Wan Kenobi, but he’s not a religious figure.

Use The Force

Use The Force

As well as, well, the person who received the wrong phone message appears to be completely fine with it, so perhaps they just happened to meet like-minded folks!