30+ Creative Ways Of Reusing And Redesigning Dusty Home Items

Published on 10/02/2023
30+ Creative Ways Of Reusing And Redesigning Dusty Home Items

30+ Creative Ways Of Reusing And Redesigning Dusty Home Items

We think everyone’s creative. Some don’t know where to begin! What if you could turn odd, dusty objects around your house into something you could use daily? Have you noticed us? Creating something useful from strange or abandoned home items is a great way to express your creativity and utilize something you were going to throw away! There are projects for beginners and experts, from repurposing bread-tag labels to building towel hanging baskets! Here are 45 DIY and hack ways to reuse and upcycle home things!

Paper Organizers

Organizers for Paper

If you put your books and documents in a cereal box, you can keep them neatly arranged and out of the way at the same time. Because of this, they won’t be able to take control of your table. Cereal boxes offer a novel departure from the conventional methods of storing books or papers, and it is surprisingly uncomplicated to construct your own storage solution using cereal boxes.
Get cereal boxes (depending on how many papers you need). Next, cut the boxes’ sides diagonally, as seen above. You can also store plastic lids in these.

Eyeglass Case

When you put cords, chargers, and a pair of earbuds in your backpack or handbag, there is a risk that they will become tangled. When you need to untangle them later on, it is usually an annoyance since they get tangled up. You can escape all of the worry by merely utilizing a case made of glass to keep all of the accessories for your phone organized.

Eyeglass Case

Eyeglass Case

Eyewear cases are ideal storage locations for chargers and earbuds. This prevents your attachments from getting tangled and may be carried with you. Additionally, the case makes it less difficult to locate the phone’s accessories.

Cupped Plants

It may be difficult to choose the right plant holder to use for one’s indoor or outdoor plants because there is such a broad array of options available. This may be the case because there is so much variation. There is no need to give this issue a great deal of thought because there is a workable solution available in the form of teacups that can be used as plant holders.

Cupped Plants

Cupped Plants

They make stylish holders for little plants. Teacups are attractive and ornamented with intriguing designs to embellish everything, and many come with matching saucers. Saucers capture spilled water and dirt.

Bag Closers

After you’ve opened a bag, if you don’t wind up taking out all of the objects that are contained within it, you’re going to need something to re-secure the bag’s closure so that it doesn’t become opened again. At this point in the game, convenient wine corks can be used in place of other corks. Contrary to what most people believe, wine corks actually make quite good closures for bags.

Bag Closers

Bag Closers

Just cut the cork halfway. Then attach them to whatever bag you want to seal, like chips or dog food. This ensures your bag and contents are sealed.

Dispenser of Ice Cream Toppings

The majority of people like indulging in the treat that is ice cream, and the toppings that you select to put on your ice cream can make a difference in the overall experience. Because Oreos are so well-liked, you could be asking what could possibly be superior to creating your very own Oreo dispenser given the fact that some people are huge fans of these cookies. Please allow me to go into additional detail.

Ice-cream Topping Dispenser

Dispenser of Ice Cream Toppings

Break some Oreos in half. Blend them into tiny pieces in a grinder. Put them in a pepper grinder when done! This lets you sprinkle them on ice cream. We recommend vanilla!

Magazine Holders

It’s possible that the fact that certain things can be kept in your freezers without causing any issues at all would come as a complete surprise to you. This creative person took their old magazine holders and used them as shelves to keep the contents in the freezer organized and neat. If you need to reorganize the items in your freezer, you don’t need to look any further than this.

Magazine Holders

Magazine Holders

They do an excellent job of organizing food either vertically or horizontally. Now you never have to search your freezer again to find the food item you’re looking for.

Key Labels

When you have a lot of keys, it’s easy to get confused when you’re trying to remember which one is which after some time has passed and you’ve acquired more of them. This is especially true if you’ve kept all of your keys in the same place. The most efficient method entails labeling your keys using discarded bread tags in order to keep their arrangement in a neat and organized fashion.

Key Labels

Key Labels

Attach some leftover bread tags to your keys. You may also need a sharp-tipped permanent pen to write on the labels to be sure you remember each key.

Beautiful Vases

If you are thinking of getting rid of your empty perfume bottle, you might want to rethink that decision. Elegant perfume bottles can be repurposed into beautiful vases to display your flower arrangements. The following suggestion is one that you should definitely replicate, in particular if you are in desperate need of some new flowers to put around the house. You shouldn’t throw them away; rather, you should ponder how you can apply this idea in the future.

Beautiful Vases

Beautiful Vases

Put water in the bottles and add fresh flowers. Match the flowers’ hue to the perfume bottle for a prettier look. This is the best way to inject personality into your decor.

Unique Stands

Dessert stands are not something that the vast majority of people make frequent use of in their homes, hence the phrase “regular use” can be considered somewhat misleading. Because of this, you might be able to offer the ones that you’ve given up on a second chance by reusing them as containers for your jewelry, perfume, or cosmetics rather than throwing them away. This could give them a second chance at life.

Unique Stands

Unique Stands

This allows you to keep little items like earrings in place without having to hunt through a box or backpack. Also, if done correctly, it will look stunning on your dresser or bathroom vanity.

Memory Jars

Because of the numerous transitions that have occurred throughout history, we will all, at some point or another, find ourselves reflecting on times gone by. It is hard to forget the things that happened in the past, including things from your youth, old friends, and prior occurrences. It is certainly a blessing that all of these beautiful recollections have been brought to light as a result of our work.

Memory Jars

Memory Jars

Mason jars make beautiful centerpieces and display memories. Put some of your favorite images in the mason jar. You’ll remember a great moment when you look at it!

Holders for Garden Tools

You may quickly and easily transform an old mailbox that is now being stored in your backyard into a holder for gardening tools by following the instructions in the previous sentence. They are not difficult to seal and will be of assistance to you in preventing damage to your gloves and tiny shovels. On the other side, if your mailbox is starting to show signs of rust, it may discourage you from using it.

Garden Tool Holders

Holders for Garden Tools

Good news—it’s all part of the aesthetic! To avoid corrosion, we want the mailbox to seem vintage. Continue by storing your tools in the mailbox and closing them when finished to avoid water damage.

Spice Jars

It is strongly advised that you save the empty baby food jars for future use when you have finished storing the baby food in them. You’re not alone in scratching your brain and wondering what on earth those little jars could possibly be used for. We are prepared to bet that you have never considered the potential that they are fantastic tools that might help you keep an orderly collection of spices.

Spice Jars

Spice Jars

The jars typically come with sealed lids, ensuring that your spices stay fresh and excellent even after a year or two. You may label each lid as this individual did to keep them even more organized!

Egg Cartons

If you think of yourself as a creative person, the piece of advise that is about to be given to you will blow your mind. When painting, it is extremely necessary to make use of a color palette because doing so will streamline the process, make it more enjoyable, and increase the amount of work that you get done. In the event that you do not possess one, you may use an empty egg carton in its place.

Egg Cartons

Egg Cartons

Pour paint into each egg carton part, dedicating one section to each hue. It’s easier to paint and work organized. They can be recycled after use to simplify cleanup.

Wire Wrappers

When there are a lot of cables lying around in a space, it can make things look cluttered and uninviting. This is because wires tend to be long and thin. Winding ropes around wires is one of the most effective ways to make things more neat and well-organized. It also helps keep things from getting tangled up. The technique that needs to be carried out is as shown above.

Wire Wrappers

Wire Wrappers

Thin ropes or hemp string, preferably in a variety of colors, can be wrapped around your wires. It provides a touch of sophistication as well as elegance to the environment.

Flower Pots

In case you were unaware, colanders make excellent flower pots and can be used for this purpose. This is because they are pre-fabricated with tiny pores that allow any excess water to escape through the bottom of the product. In addition to this, they come with handles that can be used to quickly put them up in any position. These handles are included in the package.

Flower Pots

Flower Pots

This is one of the finest ways to use an extra colander at home. You can also paint them your color. We promise this will add some flair to wherever you put it.

Another Effective Application of Funnels

It is common known that funnels were originally designed to make it easier to pour liquids, but it is fascinating to learn that funnels may also be used for a variety of other purposes. Despite the fact that they are only constructed of metal, they are an excellent choice for using as candlestick holders. Simply turning your metal funnel upside down so that the opening is facing downward will allow you to accomplish this goal.

Another Good Use Of Funnels

Another Effective Application of Funnels

Dripping wax on the metal funnel solidifies and cools as the candle melts. That means this candle holder won’t make a mess on the counter and is easy to clean!

Converting Cribs To Tables

The gift of one’s own children is incomparably more valuable than any other that could be bestowed upon a parent. They are exemplifying the meaning of the phrase “adorable little packages of happiness.” Because of this, it is only fitting that children be given the opportunity to sleep in comfortable cribs. However, even when the child has outgrown the crib and cannot be placed inside of it, you shouldn’t get rid of the crib immediately soon.

Converting Cribs To Tables

Converting Cribs To Tables

Until you have additional infants, you can use the crib as a small table. To make a temporary table, remove one side of the crib and lay a wooden or glass top on top.

Apple Storage Containers

When Christmas draws near, one of the most delightful times of the year is right around the corner. At this time of year, it is important to give one’s family one’s whole attention and to celebrate with them. Along with that, it goes without saying that none of this would be feasible if it weren’t for the typical decorations. People adorn their Christmas trees with knickknacks of many different kinds, such as trinket boxes and other assorted knickknacks.

Apple Containers For Storage

Apple Storage Containers

You must keep your ornaments safely for next year after the celebration. Use apple containers instead of tissue paper to protect them. The container protects the ornaments.

Gallon Jugs

If you don’t already have a paintbrush holder, you can easily make one by following these step-by-step instructions. You only need some wood and string. To begin, obtain a clean gallon jug such to the one seen in the picture, and then cut the sides off of it before using it. This is a versatile piece of equipment since, in addition to its various functions, it may be used to store paint and paintbrushes.

Gallon Jugs

Gallon Jugs

When storing the brush, put it through the gallon jug’s top. Your own paint and paintbrush holder for almost nothing. You may make one like this at home instead of buying one.

Suitable Substitute

Swiffers are a wonderful tool for cleaning the home; however, the specific cleaning pads for Swiffers can be somewhat expensive to purchase over time; yet, Swiffers are an amazing tool for cleaning the home. An excellent alternative to the pads is the use of old socks, which can be found simply and everywhere. If you have a Swiffer, instead of throwing away your old socks, store them in the Swiffer.

Suitable Substitute

Suitable Substitute

Socks, as it happens, fit nicely on a Swiffer. Another advantage is that socks are washable, allowing you to reuse them. So, if you want to save money on cleaning supplies, this is a great place to start.

Bed For Pets

If you are in charge of a household, there is a good possibility that you have at least one pet, and it goes without saying that it is of the utmost importance to care for them properly. The owners of pets typically provide their animals with comfortable cages or other spaces where they can unwind and sleep. Try your hand at this next do-it-yourself project if you think your pet could use a new one.

Bed For Pets

Bed For Pets

Turning a table upside down might make a bed for your pet. Just find a cushion or mattress to finish. Interestingly, it makes a comfortable toddler bed.

New Cabinet Knobs

It’s possible that after a few years of use, the knobs on the cabinets will become so worn out that they will eventually fall off. It’s likely that you weren’t aware of this, but wine corks are an ideal replacement for the knobs on the cabinet doors. The screw that holds the cork in place should already be in place, so all that needs to be done is to screw the cork onto the screw.

New Cabinet Knobs

New Cabinet Knobs

Your cabinet looks artsy and unique with wine corks. If your cabinet knob has fallen out of place and you’re not sure how to fix it, try this. Lose what?

Basket Shelf

A beautiful touch can be accomplished by dangling a basket from its side and tying it up with a ribbon. This can be done to almost any container. It is conceivable to use it as a shelf in the bathroom, on which one might stack and organize one’s towels. This is one of the potential applications for it. In addition to this, it will offer the impression that you have invested in a fashionable rack in the boho style.

Basket Shelf

Basket Shelf

The storage issue you were having in the bathroom can now be remedied thanks to this basket shelf. Putting a picture on the back of the shelf will give it a more personalized feel.

Easy Cooking Practice

The most effective way to enhance one’s culinary abilities is to try one’s hand at a variety of various recipes. We propose using trouser hangers to help show the recipe while you’re cooking in order to make the procedure simpler. This is because holding the recipe while cooking at the same time is not an ideal circumstance. This is due to the fact that attempting to cook while simultaneously holding the recipe is not an ideal circumstance.

Easy Cooking Practice

Easy Cooking Practice

Recipes may be hung securely on trouser hangers with ease. When you don’t have your hands free and need to refer to a recipe, a hanging version of the recipe makes it easier. This makes meal preparation easier.

Hair Clips Wonder

If you thought that hair clips were just used for style hair, then the next trick will enlighten you on numerous ways in which you can put them to good use. There are many different methods in which you can put hair clips to good use. When you step out of the shower or bath, they will assist you in keeping your towel in place till you dry off.

Hair Clips Wonder

Hair Clips Wonder

Making a knot can be challenging, and it may come undone in the middle of your post-shower ritual. The task at hand is made easier when you use a hair clip because the towel is not lost!

Pan Magnet

The storage of magnets in a cast-iron pan is an extremely uncommon practice, therefore you won’t see someone doing it very often. And we are willing to bet that you were unaware that they may also be used as an appropriate location to store your magnets. If you have a lot of pans hanging on your wall, all you need to do is attach a couple of magnets to the wall.

Pan Magnet

Pan Magnet

Having recipe magnets is an added bonus. Do not let them clutter the house. Attach them to hanging pans as decorations! When using the pan, remember to remove them!

Bracelet Holders

Old candlestick holders have many other uses besides holding candles, so you shouldn’t get rid of them or throw them away simply because you don’t use them to burn candles. Instead, consider repurposing them in one of the many other ways they can be used. We’re willing to bet that you were unaware that it’s possible to wrap anywhere from a dozen to even more bracelets around their wrists at the same time.

Bracelet Holders

Bracelet Holders

Candlestick holders are large enough to accommodate even wristwatches. These are just some of the many ways that vintage candlestick holders can be decorated. You are free to add additional if there is room.

Binder Rings that have been repurposed

You may repurpose the rings from old binders and use them as hooks in the kitchen. To mount the binder on the wall, you need only remove the metal piece from the binder that is situated where the rings are and screw it into place. If you are successful in completing this task, the overall product will be spectacular, and it will assist you in maintaining a more organized kitchen.

Repurposed Binder Rings

Binder Rings that have been repurposed

The hooks will open and close. You may now hang spoons, kitchen towels, spatulas, and tongs. Options abound! Just secure it to the wall to prevent it from falling!

Mesh Bag

If you put any little items in a mesh bag before placing them in the dishwasher, you may protect their original condition while also ensuring that they stay together in one place. During the time that the machine is running, the bag will ensure that everything is kept exactly where it is supposed to be, keeping the items from moving around or distributing themselves in any other way.

Mesh Bag

Mesh Bag

Since the mesh bag is synthetic, it will dry quickly. Lay or hang the mesh bag in the sun to dry it, then use it again!

Traveling Bottles

When preparing to travel on a trip, make sure that you allow yourself enough time to prepare everything that you will need for the trip. You’ll want to acquire some small containers that you can use to hold a range of items, such as cotton swabs and Bobby pins. Pill bottles are an excellent alternative to consider when looking for a suitable container for things of this nature.

Traveling Bottles

Traveling Bottles

Used pharmaceutical containers might be useful as storage containers, especially if you are traveling for an extended period of time. Additionally, creams can be stored in the bottles. The usage of waterproof bottles is beneficial.

Storage Bottles

The next piece of advice is an additional great way to recycle empty bottles; in this particular instance, the bottles came from Starbucks and contained Frappuccino. Should you choose to do so, you can use them to keep condiments and spices! They are unquestionably of an appropriate size and will be of aid in preserving the spices’ original flavor over an extended period of time due to the fact that they will help prevent oxidation.

Storage Bottles

Storage Bottles

Luckily, your kitchen cabinet can hold them. on make bottle identification easier, print and adhere labels on the sides. Having your spices organized makes cooking more fun!

Homemade Toy For Cats

People all throughout the world think that cats make wonderful pets and adore them very much. Toys are an excellent approach to maintain your cats’ interest and keep them amused. On the other hand, as time goes on, a good number of them will end up getting damaged or destroyed. Continually spending money on these things will very rapidly lead to an expense level that is unmanageable; as a result, I have a recommendation for you.

Homemade Toy For Cats

Homemade Toy For Cats

Attach lightweight paper to the middle of your floor fan. The handcrafted toy will keep your cat entertained for hours. Surprisingly, it works well for keeping your cat active.

File Sorters

Do you really need to get your shoe closet organized as soon as possible? Put those file sorters to work for you! Make use of them to maintain order in your storage space for shoes. In a perfect world, a single pair of shoes would be able to fit into each slot. This is an incredible method for bringing order to the mess that is your shoe collection.

File Sorters

File Sorters

Each pair is neatly stored in a slot for easy identification. They’re not only for shoe closets. They can also organize plastic lids, pot and pan lids, and plates in the kitchen.

Plastic Bag Storage

Every neighborhood has at least one house with a plastic bag full of other plastic bags. On the other hand, you can now just store them in a wet wipes container, allowing you to swiftly pull a wipe from the container whenever you need one. The sole requirement is that they be folded properly before being placed in the container. They will be able to keep their order and cleanliness for a longer amount of time as a result.

Keeping Plastic Bags

Plastic Bag Storage

Because of the aperture in the wipes container, removing a bag from the container is a simple process. The wipe container is an outstanding organizational tool for plastic bag storage.

Bird Feeder

When carried out in this fashion, there should not be any challenges encountered when feeding the birds. Spread peanut butter inside of an empty tube of toilet paper, then sprinkle graham cracker crumbs on top of the peanut butter. Putting the finishing touches on your homemade bird feeder and getting it ready for usage involves rolling it across a pile of bird seed at the very end.

Bird Feeder

Bird Feeder

Hang it from a backyard tree or post. You created a bird feeder easily. You can do this anytime comfortably. After that, wash your hands well!

Keeping Track Hangers

Hanging our jackets, sweaters, and other things on hangers is the typical approach for keeping everything in its appropriate place and order. You could, for example, use them to hold journals and newspapers instead of the more common items that people keep in filing cabinets. Another possibility is to utilize them to store your books. The usage of hangers allows for better management and organization of the numerous reading materials you own.

Hangers For Keeping Track

Hangers For Keeping Track

While reading a newspaper, something urgent may occur. Put the newspaper on a hanger and part it on the page where you stopped to remember where you stopped.

Honey Bear Cups

The container that honey bears come in can be cleaned out and used as a cup for younger children, such as newborns. Put your faith in us. They are going to think that it is wonderful! It is easy for them to handle because it is shaped like a bear, which further helps to the provision of a cup that is more handy for them. In addition to having teeny-tiny proportions, it possesses an endearingly cute appearance.

Honey Bear Cups

Honey Bear Cups

Add a plastic straw to the cup. The honey bear jar is transparent, so you can see the remaining liquid. Your child will love drinking from this distinctive bottle!

Honey Bear Cups Part Two

That is not the conclusion of the matter. The honey bear cups may be used as vases for flower arrangements, which is yet another inventive use for these handy containers. You will need to gather some paint in a color of your choice, although any would do in a pinch. Our advise is to purchase either gold or silver. Make sure that the paint reaches every portion of the bottle and that none of the regions are left untouched!

Honey Bear Cups Part Two

Honey Bear Cups Part Two

A tip: Use bright colors and shiny paints to make honey bear cups that reflect light. They can hold flowers or decorate a shelf alone.


Air mattresses have a wide range of applications and can be used for a number of different things. Surprisingly, though, you may also use them for activities that take place outside, such as going on picnics, camping, or simply spending time with your family. These are all examples of potential uses. Air mattresses are incredibly versatile pieces of furniture to have on hand for any scenario, including ones in which unexpected visitors show up.



There are many more enjoyable outdoor things to utilize your mattresses for. Relaxing in the sun and air is no exception. It will make outside time more fun than bare grass or a blanket.

Repurposed Photo Album

Since the advent of technology and its subsequent dominance in our modern culture, pictures are only one of the many items that have been converted to digital format. As a direct result of this, photo album cases are not something that are often found strewn around in people’s houses in the modern era. Those that are artistically talented stand to benefit from this circumstance in the long run.

Repurposed Photo Album

Repurposed Photo Album

Repurpose vintage photo albums into a beautiful art kit for storing drawing pads, colored pencils, and other tools. This is an excellent method to use empty albums instead of piling them up.

Cool Shelves

The next Design It Yourself project is a Shelf, and if you’ve always desired a shelf that is uniquely yours, now is the time to construct one! If you put in the time and effort, you can make some very nice shelves out of old drawers. This wooden drawer is available in a variety of sizes to meet a variety of storage needs. You can also hang items on the drawer’s handle if you use it correctly.

Cool Shelves

Cool Shelves

If they are hanging at the appropriate height, drawers can serve as nightstands. It is possible to thread lights using the handle. Adjust the position of the drawer so that it best suits your needs.

Shelves For Shoes

Utilize gallon jugs as a means of better organizing your shoe collection in order to save time. In order to cut the gallon jugs along the dotted lines, you are going to require some empty gallon jugs, as shown in the picture. When you have finished cutting them, putting them away in your closet will help you keep your shoe pairs in the order in which they were purchased.

Shelves For Shoes

Shelves For Shoes

You may need many gallon jugs for this job. The stackability makes them better. When you don’t want your shoes stacked, this DIY shoe shelf is ideal.

Scissor Holder

Because of their cylindrical shape, spools of twine or string are ideal for storing scissors and other cutting tools. Furthermore, regardless of the room’s true use, they give the sense of being ornamental additions to any area in which they are situated. If you have a propensity of leaving your scissors on the counter or desk, this is a much better option for storing them because it gives a higher level of protection.

Scissor Holder

Scissor Holder

Additionally, putting scissors in these makes them immediately available when needed. This hack lets you access your scissors when you need to cut something or open a bag.

Classic Bowling pins

Discarded plastic bottles can be converted into bowling pins, which can then be used for a game that the entire family will enjoy playing together. If you really want to jazz things up, you can even paint them in bright colors, and if you really want to go all out, you may draw drawings on the bottles. If you really want to go all out, you can paint them brilliant colors and draw designs on them.

Classic Bowling pins

Classic Bowling pins

Your youngsters will enjoy this game. This enjoyable exercise should involve the whole family. After arranging the DIY bowling pins, play with them for as long as you wish.