40+ People Showing Signs Of Unchecked Privileges That Often Go Unnoticed

Published on 09/01/2022
40+ People Showing Signs Of Unchecked Privileges That Often Go Unnoticed

40+ People Showing Signs Of Unchecked Privileges That Often Go Unnoticed

Most parents need to work to support their families. They must therefore arrange childcare for their children while they are at work. For this reason, a lot of people look for babysitters. When they offer the position to candidates, these parents unfortunately can appear to be a touch entitled. Here are some people who discuss the privilege-related behaviors that frequently go unreported when looking for child care for children.

Hourly Rate!

Hourly Rate!

It’s challenging to find a babysitter who will satisfy all of your requirements. especially when there is a long list of requirements for that criterion. This individual seems to believe that someone with all of this is only worth $75 per week. Despite the fact that that means that they are making just about a dollar an hour, there is so much more wrong with this job posting that we don’t even know where to begin. We hope this got reported!

Be Grateful

The cost of the babysitter’s services may vary depending on what they have to put up with.
This parent had an urgent need for a babysitter, but it doesn’t appear that they calculated the expense.

Be Grateful

Be Grateful

After offering the babysitter $5 less than their usual charge, this person had the nerve to encourage them to be appreciative. I suppose parents can be con artists too…

Fatherly Role

It’s challenging to balance being a single mom and going to school. As a result, you might need to rely on third parties to make sure your children are adequately watched. If you’re fortunate, you can locate a volunteer.

Fatherly Role

Fatherly Role

But this girl, with all her entitlement, seems to believe that even though the child is not his, she should receive child support from the man because he volunteered to do her a favor. This one has us totally baffled!

Wanting it All

Parents want to know that the people watching their children are reliable. This implies that, when it comes to a babysitter, they often have a long list of requirements they do and do not want to meet.

Wanting It All

Wanting It All

But this guy seems to have quite strict requirements for a babysitter. We are especially perplexed by the last item on the list. What do you think, guys?

Don’t Be Lazy

Even if you don’t have children, you probably already realize how much work raising children is.
You frequently wind up having little free time and occasionally even very little sleep.

Don’t Be Lazy

Don’t Be Lazy

so it’s no wonder that this military wife was looking for some sort of babysitter to help give her a few hours of peace and quiet. But in order to get some help, all she had to do was fill out some forms, and that seemed to be just a little too much work for her.

I’m Not a Nanny

A nanny and a babysitter are two very different people. A babysitter often only visits for a few hours, whereas nannies typically live with the family and care for the children pretty much constantly.

I’m Not A Nanny

I’m Not A Nanny

It appears that these parents were really searching for babysitting rates rather than a nanny. Furthermore, since when is it normal to take a day off every two weeks? Sounds like the worst job ever. Thank you, but no, sir!

Not Worth It

Some nannies will go above and beyond for the family and take additional care of them. Usually, this is because the family is respectful and pays well, and they get along well. However, it seems a bit excessive to want more when you haven’t even hired them yet.

Not Worth It

Not Worth It

Additionally, we feel that paying someone $30.00 per week for 40 hours of work is clearly against the law.
We find it upsetting to consider that there are those who truly don’t regard the time and labor of others.

The Backup Babysitter

Social networking groups are one method that many parents now discover as babysitters. Many of them are available, so you can go there, post what you’re searching for, and then watch for someone to accept your offer.

The Backup Babysitter

The Backup Babysitter

However, since social media is all about comments, you must anticipate them when using these. Furthermore, it is absurd to think that no one will object to absurd conditions.

Show Me the Evidence

The benefit of modern technology is that there is always a paper trail and a mechanism to demonstrate when anything was spoken. They believed they could get away with not paying their babysitter, but the evidence was in the texts for this person who was looking for a sitter.

Show Me The Evidence

Show Me The Evidence

But even so, the awful parent believed that paying $128 for ice cream and “a day of pleasure” was reasonable. Then, in order to avoid paying their obligation, this person went on to block the babysitter.

Seems Like a Lot

There are a lot of idle times while babysitting, particularly when the children are occupied or asleep. The conditions in this ad for a babysitter are somewhat onerous, and there are also limitations on what the babysitter can do while she is there.

Seems Like A Lot

Seems Like A Lot

How is it possible for this individual to inform the nanny that they must supply meals in addition to the fact that they won’t be able to study or watch YouTube while they are there? That is just absurd and unfair.

Less Than Minimum Wage

The time when children would watch babies for almost nothing is long past. In fact, and this is significant, even high school students charge more than the minimum wage. Knowing this, every parent should respect their child’s nanny’s time and compensate her or him appropriately.

Less Than Minimum Wage

Less Than Minimum Wage

But this guy wants a pick-up and drop-off, and they won’t even pay $4 an hour. They seemed to be asking for a lot for essentially nothing.

We Hear Crickets

When your infant is ill, it can be challenging to run errands, and it can be challenging to locate a babysitter who will assist you during this time, particularly if the illness is quite contagious.

We Hear Crickets

We Hear Crickets

Therefore, as a parent, the best course of action would be to contact your family if you ever find yourself in this situation. The commenter was quite correct, and the original poster needs to reconsider what is meant by common politeness.

Seems Sketchy

It is not a good idea to mention the person who held the position previously when you are posting a job advertisement, especially in this case where the prior babysitter ceased responding to their texts.

Seems Sketchy

Seems Sketchy

This suggests to any potential babysitters out there that perhaps there were problems with the setting or the remuneration. Additionally, it is very obvious that it had to do with the wage once you consider how much they were paying.


There is a tendency for folks to mention a lump sum salary in their job advertisements for babysitting employment. When you do the arithmetic, you’ll see just how drastically they are underpaying, even though they might be doing it because it initially appears to be better.



Anyone interested in accepting this person’s offer would need to be prepared to labor for $2.50 per hour. It’s obvious that this mom is expecting that no one will do the math!


It’s clear that this advertisement was placed in the “help wanted” area, but anyone who accepts these conditions will soon be shouting “help!” Yet again, someone is attempting to underpay a babysitter to watch three children late at night.



It appears that the parent believes that while the job is important, it is not important enough to warrant paying someone fairly to look after their children. We also have a problem with the entire background check requirement that has been approved by the state.

A Deal Breaker

No matter what work you have, you always expect to be paid for it when you do it. This is especially valid if a wage has already been decided upon. Sure, there may be occasions when your employer needs to request an extension, especially in jobs like babysitting.

A Deal Breaker

A Deal Breaker

You must take caution, though, or you risk becoming like this babysitter, who is obviously working with someone who feels entitled and who doesn’t have to pay their obligations.

Cat Sitting

Not just parents of human children need a little bit of babysitting. People who treat their animals as children, like this person does with their cat, occasionally need someone to keep an eye on their furry family members.

Cat Sitting

Cat Sitting

Of course, this individual might want to be paid for their time, just like a human child. This person believes that the fact that they are permitted to bring their cat along with them eliminates the necessity for payment, though.

Ranting Away

How entitled are you that you feel the need to vent about your current babysitter on social media? Maybe you should just concentrate on attempting to pay your payments if you’re having trouble paying both of them at once.

Ranting Away

Ranting Away

You should definitely stop whining and start looking for someone who might be willing to help you with what you’re prepared to pay because the babysitter is not to blame for your lack of income.

No Flakes!

We can comprehend why a hard-working couple with a young child might seek out a dependable and dependent person. But you should also take into account the needs of the person you plan to hire as a live-in nanny.

No Flakes!

No Flakes!

This pair appears to have numerous attendance restrictions, however, they are still unable to offer a competitive wage. Additionally, the no flakey thing made us laugh.

Wrong Job Description

A higher degree is not necessary to take care of a family and a home. You may need to put in a lot of time and effort, but you don’t necessarily need a college degree to execute the job well.

Wrong Job Description

Wrong Job Description

Except if you’re interested in applying for the job that these parents have determined is necessary but for which they’re only willing to pay $12 an hour. It appears from this job description that they are more interested in hiring a personal assistant than a babysitter.

Use What You Have

This parent seemed to be seeking someone who is a little more accessible than her buddies who live farther away. This is very reasonable, but you still need to treat the person nicely if you’re seeking for someone nearby.

Use What You Have

Use What You Have

It is acceptable if the woman cannot afford it, but why start this topic in the first place if she already has individuals who will work for the sum she is willing to offer?

In-House Sitter

This person is only willing to pay $120 per week for someone to work five days a week in 11.5-hour stints.
To us, this appears to be a little bit of a fraud.

In House Sitter

In House Sitter

Hawaii is a very expensive place to live, therefore the fact that this homeowner lives there shows they have more than enough money to cover their mortgage. Just goes to show how self-centered people can be.

Long Term Offer

Summer is one of the seasons when most parents want additional assistance. This is a result of the kids not attending school and the parents’ ongoing employment. This break typically lasts around 10 weeks.

Long Term Offer

Long Term Offer

This parent seemed to believe that she can find child care for that period of time for less than $1,000.
If so, the babysitter would be paid $100 a week, which, unless the person is a child, is insufficient.

Overly Qualified

We fully comprehend the need for you to be specific and list all the qualities you are looking for in a babysitter or nanny when you are looking for someone to look after your child.

Overly Qualified

Overly Qualified

But it seems a stretch to expect them to be chefs, Microsoft Word experts, animal lovers, and degree holders. Additionally, someone with all of these skills definitely wouldn’t want to work for only $13 per hour.

Must Be a Prank

We are all aware that some people prefer to have their nanny or babysitter live with them. When it comes to caring for the kids, makes things simpler. However, when it comes to renting, these people often don’t have to pay much or anything at all.

Must Be A Prank

Must Be A Prank

This person believes it’s acceptable to demand $1,500 per month from someone for six months while also caring for their children. Are you playing a joke on us or something?

You Get What You Pay For

No matter the position, if you pay someone an excessive salary, you’ll get an excessive work ethic.
$20 a day was simply insufficient for the former babysitter to motivate her to leave the couch.

You Get What You Pay For

You Get What You Pay For

Fair enough, we believe that most babysitters would respond in this way.
So it seems a little entitled that this person believes they can continue to give others the same amount.

Please Be Reasonable

We believe that paying a fair wage is necessary if you truly want a responsible babysitter.
You cannot expect to pay pennies and still receive full rewards.

Please Be Reasonable

Please Be Reasonable

Speaking of crumbs, this individual only wants to pay $30 per day for someone to care for their children over the summer and after school. We are aware that we are repeating ourselves, but we will keep going until people start using common sense.

Babysit My House

Housesitters are also in demand, so babysitters aren’t the only type of sitters. However, because it doesn’t involve as much labor as raising kids or taking care of animals, the pay is typically quite low.

Babysit My House

Babysit My House

Although the sitter will watch Netflix and unwind, we still don’t think $10 for 2.5 hours of work is a fair exchange. For $4 an hour, the majority of individuals wouldn’t leave their own couch.

You Must Be Joking

When we read through these absurd conditions, we occasionally mistakenly believe that the entire post is a joke. On closer inspection, however, we see that these are genuine and placed on actual babysitting websites.

You Must Be Joking

You Must Be Joking

Who with a college degree would want to watch children starting at 4:30 am and perform all the duties of a nanny for only $12 per hour? The CPR certification was the real deal here—it was a hilarious joke!

Let the Argument Begin

Almost everything is a topic on which everyone has an opinion. However, this young lady’s demands for babysitting caused conflict among parents in this Facebook group. Money frequently acts as the spark that starts the fire!

Let The Argument Begin

Let The Argument Begin

It appears that these parents thought she had a right to demand a reasonable income. However, some contend that the situation is actually reversed, and we agree. Who’s on our side?

Bargain Babysitter

Your children’s safety is something that is difficult to value. You’d think that parents would pay the top price, but as these posts have shown, that is not typically the case. Even if they are paying for a budget service, parents are glad to find inexpensive babysitters.

Bargain Babysitter

Bargain Babysitter

If we were seeking a job as a babysitter and came across this post offering $20 per day to watch three young children, we would scroll down without a second thought.

Don’t Underestimate Others

While babysitting is a side job for some people, it is a full-time profession for others. So unless they have experience as a babysitter, individuals shouldn’t undervalue this service.

Don’t Underestimate Others

Don’t Underestimate Others

Additionally, this person is free to go to restaurants and movies, although caring for their small children is a need. Maybe before posting something so entitled, this individual should get their priorities straight.

All Work, No Pay

We’ve decided to change the saying “all work and no play makes Jake a dull boy” to “all work and no pay” in light of this parent’s unreasonable demands.

All Work, No Pay

All Work, No Pay

All Work, No PayIt actually irritates me that this person is looking for someone to perform parental duties for $5–$10 per day. They ought to check out the middle school students in their area for this price.

Providing the Necessities

This parent appears to believe that by giving their kids things that they should already have at home, they are being very charitable. Such a situation ought to be mentioned in the definition of entitlement.

Providing The Necessities

Providing The Necessities

Of course, you’ll provide your kids with food, diapers, wipes, and clothing. Don’t try to pass yourself off as a competent babysitter by adding this in to divert attention from the subpar pay you’re delivering!

On-Call Service

In any other career, being on call typically entails receiving a higher salary due to the requirement that you be prepared at a moment’s notice. But as usual, this parent sought to enjoy all the advantages without receiving more remuneration.

On Call Service

On Call Service

We get the impression from these posts that parents are the bad guys. Like, men, remember that you were once young and striving to make a decent living! Pay others decently!

Wait for It

Everything seems to be going smoothly as you begin reading this job posting for a house sitter. Until you understand that they want money from you to babysit their house, that is. And things improve…

Wait For It

Wait For It

Additionally, you are obligated to feed their cat twice daily, thus you are essentially paying them to perform the job. It no longer seems like a great deal, does it? We advise you to just keep scrolling if you come across a message like this, folks.

Don’t Leave Your Infant

Although the compensation is genuinely decent here for once, there is another problem with the position. Why does this person feel the need to leave their child in the care of an unknown person while they jet off on vacation?

Don’t Leave Your Infant

Don’t Leave Your Infant

The toddler would undoubtedly feel safer with family, wouldn’t it? Additionally, “a few dates” wouldn’t be sufficient to fully determine a person’s goodness. Do you not concur?

Passive Aggressive Much?

Part-time nannies typically do nothing more than look after the kids and perhaps perform a few extra tasks like cooking dinner and giving the kids a bath. We find it a little unfair to expect them to handle every home task, but at least they get paid well.

Passive Aggressive Much

Passive Aggressive Much

However, this individual is quite picky about their free time and expects their nanny to be busy all the time. Get off your high horse and live a little, parent who wrote this.

There’s a Catch

This advertisement appears to be a good opportunity for someone who wants to make small financial savings. However, although it appears in the advertisement that they are paying the nanny $450 per week, the truth is quite different.

There’s A Catch

There’s A Catch

In fact, you’ll have to pay them $450 a month in utilities in order to live in their house, watch the kids, clean, and cook. In other words, this isn’t truly a profession that provides free lodging.

Looking for a Freebie

Everything is significantly better when it is free. Child care is one of the very few things in life that isn’t free, though. In actuality, one of the most expensive aspects of being a parent is childcare.

Looking For A Freebie

Looking For A Freebie

Even though we can sort of understand how this parent feels, it still seems a little arrogant to expect someone to watch your children for free. You greedy people, hurry up!

Less Is More

Some parents want constant full-time assistance because they are too busy or have too many kids.
This frequently results in them providing live-in accommodations, which come with a lot more rules and regulations.

Less Is More

Less Is More

But even so, it appears like this individual has high standards for their living arrangements and maybe a bit of entitlement. This family seems like the kind that would place a covert camera in the child’s room to watch you…

How Far Is Too Far?

Despite the comic sans style, this babysitter advertisement is kind and entertaining.
Even though they’re offering a terrific wage, there is a humorous little warning at the bottom of the page.

How Far Is Too Far

How Far Is Too Far

This person wants you to look up your distance from them on Google to make sure you are prepared to make the trip. Although it appears unusual, at least they are making an effort to be considerate.
But it also seems a touch arrogant at times!

The Bare Minimum

It should be expected that you must at least pay the person what they would make for the time they are losing if you ask someone who already has a job for a babysitter when you need one.

The Bare Minimum

The Bare Minimum

However, it seems that these parents didn’t even consider the fact that their child was losing time working as a freelancer to be worth half of what they usually earn per hour. The way they handled her following that was just wrong. They are the egotistical, immature ones!

Above and Beyond

When someone goes above and beyond to assist you, it’s always good, but regrettably, there are some people in life who will take advantage of your generosity, as was the case in this instance.

Above And Beyond

Above And Beyond

This father believed it was OK to request a further favor from the woman watching his children out of kindness to her. We wish she had instructed him to go after this and never offered assistance again!

How Dare You

There should be an increase in salary when you ask a babysitter to look after more than one child. This is especially true for small children because they need more supervision.

How Dare You

How Dare You

The fact that this person is only willing to spend $40- $50 every week seems like they really don’t understand what goes into taking care of kids. Nevertheless, given that they are parents, they ought should!