40+ Pictures of Unsettling “Liminal Spaces”

Published on 12/02/2022

40+ Pictures Of Unsettling Liminal Spaces

A liminal space is simply a transition space, a place where you have left something behind but are not immersed in something else. The internet is going crazy over these fascinating liminal space images. Continue scrolling to see for yourself…

Closet Dimension

This individual shared a photo of their closet with a very high ceiling. Have you ever seen such a high ceiling in a closet? It makes you question what the contractors thought when constructing this house. Who requires such a high ceiling? Shaquille O’Neal doesn’t even need this big of a closet.

Here for the Conference

The individual shared a photo of the location where they attended a conference. But, let’s be honest, it seems quite shady. Is it just us, or does the door at the end of the corridor appear designed for young elves?

Here for the Conference

In any case, this may be the person’s final conference. We’re hoping they made it out alive…


As you’ll see from this list, empty pools are usually frightening. Here’s a photo of an empty pool that appears to be rather old. There are no sunbathers on the lounge chairs, which are distributed across the area.


The most alarming aspect of this pool, though, is the fishy slide. At one point, the slide was presumably home to kid after the youngster, who would slide through the fish’s mouth and into the water. It is now, however, utterly abandoned.

Turn Around

This appears to be a scene from Jurassic Park III when Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill) realizes where they’ve placed themselves – inside a cage… for pterosaurs.

Turn Around

This person was just as terrified walking through this passageway as the audience was, and even considered turning around.

The Haunting of Inside

You don’t need me to tell you how unsettling this image is since you can see it yourself. This structure screams eerie from the blue stairway to the antiquated window frame.

The Haunting of Inside

Outside, it appears to be glowing, and while we would normally be awestruck by the colors, we can’t help but feel like a monster is about to burst through the window at any moment. The walls, like the staircase, are painted blue. It looks exactly like the Overlook Hotel from The Shining.

Déjà Vu Area

This image depicts a notice informing all visitors that this is their first visit. Then it says that if the platform feels familiar, notify the employees. We must admit, it’s rather eerie…

Déjà Vu Area

This is the type of sign you could see at a haunted home on Halloween. We’re curious whether the OP actually boarded the platform since we wouldn’t. We would depart immediately!

Forest at the Parallel

This woodland appears to be a scene from the blockbuster Netflix series Stranger Things. Season one depicts a parallel reality, and we can all see the similarities. All the trees are uniformed so that we can’t stop staring at them, even if they have a creepy vibe.

Forest at the Parallel

The white snow emphasizes the foreboding atmosphere of the forest. Because this forest is basically supernatural, it’s a great place for a Halloween shoot if you’re dressed as anything other than a human.

Phone Booth

It’s snowing severely as you drive down the road. Your gaze is drawn to a phone booth. But this is no ordinary phone booth. The snow surrounding the phone booth appears to be protecting it.

Phone Booth

In all honesty, it appears to be a time-traveling booth, a la Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure! So, good luck using this booth to make an emergency phone call!


The year 2020 felt like a brand-new universe. We appeared to have arrived in a more calm and quiet environment where nature could finally breathe. Humans, on the other hand, couldn’t. The roads were vacant and entirely silent; the various nooks were completely devoid — it almost felt like we were living on an apocalyptic planet.


Unsettling yet peaceful. This image of an empty highway makes us think of the year 2020. It was a terrifying and unpredictable time! It is still the case in many countries…

The Smile Room

This image depicts a door leading to an extremely dark and empty chamber. We can’t say for sure what’s inside, but we can guarantee it’s not beautiful. Although it’s dubbed “The Smile Room,” we have a hunch you won’t be smiling when you go in.

The Smile Room

In reality, it appears to be a place from which you will never emerge alive. The chamber appears to have been used for severe scientific experiments at some point. It has nothing to do with the title of the room.

Chairlift to the Universe of Uncertainty

This image depicts a chairlift in Poland. This shot was taken roughly five years ago on a trip to Poland. But it’s so foggy that we can see two chairlifts engulfed by the fog.

Chairlift to the Universe of Uncertainty

The fog has engulfed the entire chairlift, making it impossible to see where they are heading. It’s all really strange and frightening. It’s as though the chairlift transports you to a parallel realm where nothing is definite.

Winter Wonderland

This image was captured on Christmas Eve. As the photo shows, it was a snowy and foggy night that many people would consider calm. They see it as a means to break away from all the forced togetherness.

Winter Wonderland

On the other hand, an empty park on Christmas Eve is dreary and melancholy. Although there are Christmas lights in the park, there is no one to illuminate them.

Keep Driving

The road in this image is undoubtedly eerie, if not foreboding. The trees around the road so that it resembles a witch’s cave. Driving down this road at night is bound to take you to imaginative — and even frightening — places.

Keep Driving

Simply keep driving. Never stop for anyone or anything because this is the type of place that could inspire a horror film or two.

Taco Bell

This individual went to buy some tacos. They asked Google Maps for directions, and it directed them to Taco Bell. The individual continued driving till they realized the last automobile they spotted was an hour before.

Taco Bell

There are no Taco Bell signs in the distance, only empty farms, and highways. There is no indication of a residential area or habitat. They only wanted tacos. Google Maps, screw you!

Stay in the Light

This location appears to be a cemetery. Light emanates from each post, but the area between them is pitch black, making this walkway appear even eerier.

Stay in the Light

Just stick in the well-lit areas, and you’ll be OK. This would be an excellent setting for a frightening psychological game or a horror film set.

Oval Office

This is a photograph of the White House’s vacant oval office. The shot was taken between terms when the outgoing president was leaving and the new one was arriving.

Oval Office

We know the room is typically full, but the emptiness of it all is disturbing. Nothing is in here save the empty shelves and the door. Maybe it’s preparing for the big change that’s coming.

Tick Tock

Imagine leaving your hotel room to find yourself in a liquid emptiness. How would you react? Would you flee the other way or dare to enter this space?

Tick Tock

In all honesty, we’d probably flee. The liquid that has accumulated on the corridor floor appears strange. Is it made of black tar? Is there some kind of evil taking over? We’re not sure, but the clock is ticking, so we must hurry!

Rain, Rain, Go Away

We’ve all been on the road on rainy days. Do you remember when you couldn’t see anything except glaring headlights and streetlights if you turned your windshield wipers off for even a second?

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Those types of days, yes. While we’re all used to rainy days, we can’t help but find this image disturbing.

To Infinity and Beyond

This infinity pool is unsettling. We can all tell from the image. It’s as if a monster will appear as soon as you jump into the pool, like the clown in Stephen King’s It.

To Infinity and Beyond

The clown leaps from the pothole and snatches the youngsters. That’s what comes to mind when we look at this pool. It’s so quiet here that you can hear a pin drop or echoed terror screams…

Empty Superstore

The grocery shop in this photo is so deserted that it gives us goosebumps. Consider purchasing in this establishment. You never know what you’ll find in the next aisle, perhaps even the Cookie Monster in the cookie aisle!

Empty Superstore

The entire environment is calm, and the lighting is incredibly dark. It’s similar to the quiet before the storm. If you ever find yourself in one of these grocery stores, please turn around and flee for your life!

Grandma’s Basement

This online user submitted a snapshot of their grandmother’s basement, which was subsequently accompanied by several remarks. According to one of the comments, this is the type of basement where a possessed youngster might film a movie.

Grandma’s Basement

Another stated it reminded him of an evil hospital. We agree with every statement. This basement has a creepy sense to it. It’s incredibly nice and spotless, yet it appears that execution has occurred here.

Lights Out

This is a well-lit corridor. Assume you’re walking down this corridor when the lights go out halfway through. You’re standing alone…in the dark.

Lights Out

We don’t need to describe how you’re feeling since we can all imagine. Even with the lights turned on, this location is still scary. This style of the corridor would be ideal for a horror film scene.

International Space Station

At night, the International Space Station looks like this. Isn’t it creepy? All of the cables appear to be a jumbled mess. This could very well be a vehicle, or UFO, used by aliens to travel to Earth. Everything about space — outer space, spaceships, and so on — is fascinating.

International Space Station

However, being there is a very different thing. You’re physically moving through space; you’re traveling across the universe. And something is frightening about that…


Something about an empty pool doesn’t feel quite right. When people are swimming through, when there is noise and laughter, everything is fine.


Though we are not as at ease when it comes to an empty pool. With all the light shining through from above, these pool tunnels are beautiful but also pretty eerie. Perhaps it’s simply a psychological problem.


We’re not sure about you, but this passageway immediately reminded us of the Titanic. According to the individual who uploaded this photo, the water level rose as they went downstairs.


This does appear to be a sinking ship. The entire tunnel is flooded, and the lights are flickering.


This is a photo of a COVID-19 test waiting area. The room appears to be sad and eerie. Except for a solitary chair for the patient, there is no furniture.


This place exudes wickedness. The absence of décor and wooden wall panels give the impression that something bad is about to happen here.


Aquarium restaurants are stunning. It’s like eating under the sea. We can only imagine the amount of thought and effort that goes into these restaurants. Diners are served a delicious meal, and natural wonders surround them.


An empty aquarium restaurant, on the other hand, says differently. Though it depicts the serene side of nature, a deserted restaurant surrounded by water is unsettling. It appears lonely and awful.

The Pathway to Hell?

If this rusted, ancient bridge doesn’t send chills down your spine, we don’t know what would. We’re not sure how you can even walk across this bridge because there don’t appear to be any floor panels, but we’re sure it’s not easy.

The Pathway to Hell?

We also have no idea where this bridge leads, but we’re perfectly content not to find out. Just be cautious if you decide to cross here.


In scary movies and shows, we frequently see some kind of psychological experiment performed on humans, which is usually extremely disturbing. If we didn’t know any better, we’d say that the location in this image is where these kinds of experiments occur.


A variety of things contribute to the assumption. First and foremost, the word “cage” is painted on the wall. What, exactly? What kind of cage? Where are you leading us?!

Laundry Room

This individual shared a photo of the scene from the college laundry facilities. And, while it’s absolutely real, the scene from the window appears to be animated or manipulated.

Laundry Room

Consider glancing out the window and seeing this. You might be a bit scared. What an odd world we live in!

Orange Sky

Apart from the washing machine and dryer, laundry rooms are frequently dreary and empty. On the other hand, doing laundry may be much more exciting if you have a great view out the window!

Because of a sandstorm, the sky outside this laundromat is totally orange. In any case, you don’t see this color very often in the sky. It’s like a Mars washing room.

Your Turn Will Come

This route resembles a scene from the film Silent, which depicts the entry to a whole new horrible universe. A night fog surrounds and engulfs the traffic lights, which are suspended by electrical wires.

Your Turn Will Come

Aside from the OP’s automobile, there are no other vehicles visible. We may never know where this route will take us.

Exam Jitters

This school hallway appears to be flooded with water. But there wasn’t much water, just enough to splash around in. The weak lights barely illuminate the corridor.

Exam Jitters

It appears to be an abandoned school where evil spirits have taken over, and the next person who walks down the corridor becomes possessed. Hey, that’s not a terrible setup for a horror film.

Blissful or Terrifying?

This image resembles the Windows screensaver that we all used to have back in the day. Still, we had no idea such a picturesque — or should we say animated — location existed in real life.

Blissful or Terrifying?

It’s truly so beautiful that it’s nearly frightening. Call us crazy, but it reminds us of the opening of a horror film… before all the horrible stuff happens, everything appears delightfully wonderful.

Blue Lights

Blue lights are frightening. Sure, they complement other lights, but it’s extremely unsettling when they’re the only light in the room. Take a look at this laundry room, for example.

Blue Lights

The blue lights in the laundry room make it appear to be a horror movie set. It appears to have been taken over by some evil, evil spirits. Beware!

Foggy Drive

It might be breathtaking when you’re the only one surrounded by fog. It has a really weird and spooky vibe to it. Perhaps it’s because of all the movies and TV shows in which the monster or spirit always emerges from the fog.

Foggy Drive

This individual shared a photo of their drive to the airport, down a long and twisting road that appears to be deserted. The combination of the vacant road, warm lighting, and fog create a rather frightening mood.

Deserted in the Desert

This is actually rather lovely. A faint silhouette of a mountain may be seen in the distance behind the dust. This may be the ideal location for desert photography!

Deserted In The Desert

Imagine being stuck here… alone. At that time, these lovely aspects will combine to produce your worst nightmare. When you think about it, this is essentially a lovely trap.

Liminal Artist

You may be wondering why so many of the sites on this list are inundated with water, and while we don’t have an answer, we can tell you that liminal space is a place of transition, waiting, and not knowing.

Liminal Artist

Maybe that’s why this artist made all of these three-dimensional paintings in this corridor. They wanted to highlight the strange yet lovely occurrence of liminal places.


This user shared an old photo they had shot on their phone. It appears to be that eerie room in a hospital where all the terrible things happen. The single ceiling light is positioned to solely highlight the ‘ Exit ‘ sign.


The walls around the entrance are mustard, while the door itself is mahogany wood. Overall, this image gives us the heebie-jeebies.

Early Morning Train

Some places are always crowded, which means that there is a lot of the hustle and bustle, as well as noise. When you take out the noise, it’s just plain scary.

Early Morning Train

One such location is a train station. This user shared a photo of a train station in the early hours of the morning. There’s a lot of fog, but no one around. It would be unsettling to be there alone.


This appears to be from a science fiction film or series. The two doors are the same. What’s more disconcerting is that both doors lead to empty but similar rooms. Actually, that’s not true.


They are not identical but rather a mirror of one another. Everything in these rooms is the same, from the carpet to the light to the positioning of the outlet. It’s similar to switching the camera on your smartphone.

’90s Macintosh Game

This is a Macintosh computer game’s dimly lit living room from the 1990s. The entire setup is reminiscent of a scary movie like The Conjuring.

’90s Macintosh Game

We don’t advocate seeing that movie if you become easily terrified. In any case, as cool as it is to see a retro game like this one, we must admit that it made our skin crawl when we first saw it.

Let the Lights Guide You

Streetlights enhance the beauty of the night. A beautiful scene to look at is the illuminating lights at night. This image depicts a road’s street lights.

Let The Lights Guide You

While it’s a lovely site to behold, the road is curved, so you can’t see all the way ahead. We wouldn’t travel down this road alone, that’s for sure. Who knows what is ahead for us at the end of the journey?

Dream City

This has to be the city you see in your darkest dreams. Not only is the placement of the buildings disturbing, but so is the fact that they are identical.

Dream City

The sight of so many interchangeable structures in various colors of orange and red is disturbing. We have no desire to travel to this location.

Close Call

The sight of so many interchangeable structures in various orange and red tones is quite disconcerting. We have no desire to go anywhere near this location.

Close Call

Fortunately, his wife, Barbara (Geena Davis), reaches out and grabs him before he gets devoured by a huge sandworm. This eerie location is a real-world recreation of that scenario.