Amazing Useful Charts That Gives An Entirely Different Perspective To The World
Charts are excellent for simplifying difficult concepts into understandable visuals. But we’re not referring to the pie charts our teachers made us do in class. We’re not simply talking about showing how much pizza was left over after someone ate a tremendously bizarre portion of it; we’re talking about visual displays that are actually engaging. Prepare to broaden your horizons and discover some entertaining facts that won’t tire your brain.

Check Out This Chart Before Getting A Tattoo
Consider this chart before getting a tattoo if you’re considering it. It illustrates how painful it is to receive a tattoo in each location. Some of these are rather clear or widely known, like getting a tattoo on your ribcage. Some tattoos, like the one on your upper chest, seem to hurt more than others. It is reasonable that the facial area and the calf area would pain more. Even a helpful tale at the bottom is presented with some really cool tattoos as illustrations. The skull is symbolic of the most painful locations, while the dove represents the least painful ones.
How Secure Is Your Password?
It’s difficult to comprehend how seriously inadequate the majority of our passwords are, which is probably why someone created this useful graphic. It displays an estimate of how long it may take someone to figure out your password if they were truly motivated to do so. Even if this is most likely being done with a program, it’s still a little unsettling to consider. Even eight-character passwords aren’t very secure.

How Secure Is Your Password?
We don’t know what will make you consider strengthening your passwords if this doesn’t. Always make sure that you change your passwords every once in a while to prevent getting your account hacked.
The Development Of A Baby’s Vision
If you have a newborn, it’s understandable if you believe that they can see your face perfectly. But as this graph demonstrates, a baby’s vision doesn’t even start to develop to the point where it can distinguish facial features until they are about three months old. At six months, things start to become a little clearer, and by one year, they are fairly clear. The development of a child’s vision is complete by the age of three.

The Development Of A Baby’s Vision
This actually surprises us a little and just goes to demonstrate how long it takes for our bodies to mature when we’re toddlers. The graphic at least demonstrates how long it takes for our vision to grow.
The Evolution Of The Alphabet
This infographic is for you if you’ve ever wondered how Latin-based alphabets came to be. It doesn’t go into great detail, but it does demonstrate how each letter has evolved over time. If you closely examine each letter, you’ll see some additional interesting things going on. For instance, the letter that makes the sound we recognize as the letter “T” really began looking like a “W,” but later changes into the letter “U.”

The Evolution Of The Alphabet
Then there are other letters, like the letter “A” or the letter “B,” that have hardly changed at all from when they were essentially just symbols for various things.
Curious What It’s Like To Have Colorblindness?
If you don’t already suffer from some type of color blindness, you’ve definitely thought what it would be like to be unable to see the full range of colors at some point. Using a picture of veggies, this chart contrasts four alternative forms. The image in the upper left is what a person with normal vision would see, and the rest depicts what a person who is colorblind would see in the same image.

Curious What It’s Like To Have Colorblindness?
If you know anybody who you would suspect of being colorblind, this is also quite helpful. Simply use this chart to ask them the colors they perceive and whether they match.
What Human Emotions Look Like In Our Bodies
A chart quite like this one has never been seen before. It reveals where in your body various emotions are typically felt and whether they result in heat or simply numbness. As the picture indicates, it’s essentially a heat map of emotions. But seeing some of these represented as charts really puts things into perspective. For instance, the depictions of love and happiness make a lot of sense, yet the heat map for despair is pretty depressing even to look at.

What Human Emotions Look Like In Our Bodies
Shame has a somewhat sinister appearance in its visual portrayal. According to NPR, this graphic was actually created by experts from Finland and proved to be rather accurate. The group expressed their hope that psychologists could utilize it to cure disorders.
Think Twice Before Putting New Stickers On Your Car
Numerous studies have examined what your bumper sticker says about you personally, and surprisingly, it might reveal a lot. Be careful what you post on your automobile; this chart lays down some of the more popular stickers available and describes what each one says. For instance, a sticker on an oil rig can let someone know that your husband is likely away most weekends. This is due to the likelihood that they travel for offshore or refinery jobs.

Think Twice Before Putting New Stickers On Your Car
Other things could be telling strangers where your kids go to school or that you might be gone on weekends. Studies have also shown a correlation between the quantity of bumper stickers you own and your level of aggression.
Land Formations Finally Explained In A Way We Can Understand
Do you recall the various sorts of terrain formations that were discussed in the classes you studied in elementary school? Well, this is similar to that but has been constructed in a simple manner. Here, every variety, from islands to isthmuses, is displayed. Even though we are familiar with the majority of these from school, it’s interesting to compare them to their equivalents because features like lagoons, capes, and isthmuses appear to be entirely new.

Land Formations Finally Explained In A Way We Can Understand
A far bigger body of water, however, ought to be present somewhere in the same Tupperware container as the lagoon. They frequently experience spillovers while only being separated by a tiny land mass.
College Tuition Has Gotten Out Of Hand
The difference between middle-class salaries and college degrees has grown over time, but this graphic is not political. The majority of persons in 1980 could pay off their tuition in about 40 weeks while earning the federal minimum wage of $3.10 per hour. That amount had increased to almost 169 weeks in 2016. Additionally, it provides the minimum pay needed to equal the number of working weeks in 1980.

College Tuition Has Gotten Out Of Hand
This is an excellent illustration of a chart that simplifies a complex topic into a visual depiction. The fact that the difference has grown so considerably in such a short period of time is also rather depressing.
But On The Bright Side
Do you still recall the preceding graph showing college costs? Well, this one explains how much money you can make if you choose a trade career over a college degree. The compensation for a hairdresser is maybe the most shocking one, but it simply goes to show that there are many high-paying careers available, even if you don’t attend college. The majority of the other positions are quite close to what we predicted you may earn.

But On The Bright Side
It should be understood, however, that these are merely averages, and you may earn much more, particularly if you ultimately decide to launch your own firm after gaining some experience.
Which Birth Dates Are Most Common?
Have you ever encountered another person who shares your birthday? In any case, this graph illustrates how frequently various birthdays occur throughout the year. That’s correct; in a little odd way, it actually informs you of how frequent your birthdate is. We begin to ponder how these patterns originate and what makes a birthday so typical. In any case, this chart has some really interesting data.

Which Birth Dates Are Most Common?
Birthdays appear to be more frequent in the months of July, August, and September than in January. It can also be hit or miss on the 31st of every month, but that is presumably because not every month has 31 days.
A Handy Trick To Remember The Days Of Each Month
You can use this helpful calendar to keep track of how many days are in each month (pardon the pun). Every month that lands on a knuckle represents a month with 31 days when counting out the months using your knuckles. Normally, the months between each knuckle only have 30 days, but February had to be an exception with 28 days. You’re good to go as long as you can recall that one peculiar month.

A Handy Trick To Remember The Days Of Each Month
Since February is near the start of the count, it shouldn’t be too challenging. However, everything else lines up flawlessly and falls into place as it should.
Moral Of The Story: The South Can’t Handle Snow
The amount of snow required to close schools is shown on this specific map. As you can see, many locations close down entirely as soon as the first snowflake falls. Even if two feet of snow falls, many unfortunate kids in the North and the Midwest are forced to attend class. It’s a little strange that not many locations in New Mexico fully shut down when it snows.

Moral Of The Story: The South Can’t Handle Snow
We were unaware that they had the tools necessary to deal with greater snowfalls. You would also assume that some areas of Tennessee could withstand at least a little snowfall before closing.
What Hair Color Will Your Children Or Grandchildren Have?
Even while this chart can’t tell you with confidence what hair color your child will have, it’s still very interesting to look at. Predicting the hair color of a child can be a fun little exercise for parents to be. Naturally, one would assume that a child with two brown-haired parents would also have brown hair, but what truly sticks out is how red hair is present regardless of the parents’ hair colors.

What Hair Color Will Your Children Or Grandchildren Have?
This could be a result of the simple gene mutation that causes red hair. However, it’s intriguing to observe how often it is for two parents who have the mutation to have red-haired children.
These Companies Hire Felons
This interesting fact covers some of the more frequent employers of convicts. This is actually extremely wonderful because it can be challenging to obtain employment for those who have completed their time and are attempting to restart their life because many employers won’t hire those without a clean criminal record. This may cause some people to turn to crime as a means of subsistence, creating a vicious cycle of incarceration.

These Companies Hire Felons
Even if some of these professions don’t pay the best, many, like those at Target, Starbucks, and Amazon, do offer opportunities for advancement and favorable benefits. Additionally, Goodyear Tires is a sizable employer.
How Much You Have To Make To Join The 1%
This figure illustrates how much income is required in each state in order to qualify as a member of the 1%, proving that the 1% is not distributed equally across all states. The map is particularly fascinating since it depicts the absurd differences in the cost of living across the United States in addition to showing you how much money you would need to earn to belong to the top one percent.

How Much You Have To Make To Join The 1%
California is known for having a high cost of living, however, this chart shows that a state like Mississippi has a considerably lower cost of living. Someone who is seen as belonging to the 1% in one location might merely be regarded as relatively wealthy in another.
How Long Adopted Dogs Need To Feel At Home
Dogs make excellent friends, but just like with any companion—human or canine—it takes time to form close relationships. This chart shows exactly how long it should take for your dog to start exhibiting some of these characteristics. For instance, a dog will not immediately feel “at home” in your home. On your first day, you also probably wouldn’t feel comfortable in a stranger’s home.

How Long Adopted Dogs Need To Feel At Home
However, according to the graph, dogs start to settle in at three weeks and start to develop trust and long-lasting relationships at three months. Anytime before this is the time to promote positive habits because they also start to establish routines.
Macaroon Vs. Macaron Vs. Macron
Even if speaking French is challenging, it makes sense that someone who is fluent in the language would create this chart to highlight how poorly English speakers use the language. The reader is provided with clear pronunciations of various popular French words, including macaron and Macron, in this chart. The former is a desert, the latter is the current French president. Additionally, it provides readers with a definition of each, just in case. Merci, France.

Macaroon Vs. Macaron Vs. Macron
There is no longer any excuse for not understanding the distinction between a macaron and a macaroon. The first snack contains almonds, while the second one contains coconut. Evidently, they have various textures as well.
How To Get The Chef To Hate You
This helpful little guide, which describes the various ways customers can order their steaks, was reportedly found on a menu at a restaurant, most likely a steakhouse. Starting with rare, it moves down to well done. Naturally, it also includes a cute little aside for those who enjoy their steak well done. But this is actually a pretty useful manual.

How To Get The Chef To Hate You
It’s especially useful for people who might not eat steak frequently. If they choose to have their steak well done, it also tries to educate them.
The Chart Every English Teacher Needs
Even if this isn’t a chart, graph, or map, it’s still very cool. To help you remember when to use their, there, or they’re, wear this shirt. It even provides you with a few useful visual indicators to help you recognize and remember when to utilize what. Although it has a straightforward idea, it is nonetheless rather effective, and if we knew where to buy one, we would.

The Chart Every English Teacher Needs
It sort of begs the question as to why they don’t apply the same idea to other tees or maybe print it on some posters and sell them in stores like bookstores.
Instructions For The Perfect Fort
When we were younger, this might have been helpful. These instructions demonstrate how to build a towering sofa fort fit for any imagined conflict. Most of our forts, however, ended up being made of a pile of sheets. The instructions are likewise rather straightforward, but we suppose that’s what they need to be to reach their intended audience. Even so, on nights when we have nothing else to do, we might give this a shot.

Instructions For The Perfect Fort
Of course, you could possibly even combine two sofas if you had that option. Here, the options are practically endless. Yes, we will surely try this out.
If You’re Ever Falling Off A Waterfall, Here’s What To Do:
This chart demonstrates how to survive sliding down a waterfall—it’s one of those charts you never thought you’d need unless you’re a kid who watches cartoons. It seems that all you need to do is lay flat and lower yourself with your feet first. You’ll want to swim away as quickly as you can once you’ve reached the bottom, most likely to avoid getting sucked much deeper than you already are.

If You’re Ever Falling Off A Waterfall, Here’s What To Do:
A side note: You could actually print this out and hang it as a poster on your wall. The colors used here complement the excellent illustrations even more.
Get Your Plaids Straight
Those who consider themselves to be fashion-savvy should try this. There are many distinct patterns and plaids available, and this chart identifies each one and breaks them down. It’s not a terrible idea to keep this handy chart in mind the next time you’re trying to coordinate your clothes. It includes common patterns like buffalo check as well as some uncommon ones like madras.

Get Your Plaids Straight
Despite having heard several of these names before, such as tartar, we were unaware of their specific patterns. This chart has answered all of our questions.
Hack Into Your Happiness With These Tricks
The various strategies to induce the release of various brain chemicals are listed in this little, useful chart. Additionally, it explains what the various compounds truly perform. After looking at this, some of the activities actually make logic. It’s amazing to observe how each activity affects your body. For instance, it is reasonable that relaxing in the sun or going for a walk outside would make someone feel better.

Hack Into Your Happiness With These Tricks
It is natural that finishing a task would cause dopamine to be released. We didn’t know, though, that playing with a dog releases oxytocin, sometimes known as the “love hormone.”
Here’s How To Get First In Line At The Emergency Room
This chart was apparently put up in an emergency department to remind patients that if paramedics rush in to treat a heart attack victim, they won’t be treated by a doctor because they had a cold. The inclusion of individuals who are impacted by mental health concerns at the bottom was also a wonderful touch. It is odd, though, that someone experiencing an allergic response would be attended to before someone who had broken their leg.

Here’s How To Get First In Line At The Emergency Room
However, the individual experiencing an allergic response is probably more at risk of dying, whereas a broken leg will just result in significant discomfort. We simply hope that while they are waiting, they will offer those victims some pain medication.
Tally Marks From Around The World
The tally marks on the far left of this image are certainly recognizable to anyone who attended school in the United States or Europe. But did you know that there are many tally markers used throughout the world? You do now, thanks to this chart. If you stop to about it, it sort of makes sense. But the fact that Spain would adopt a different form than the rest of Europe defies logic.

Tally Marks From Around The World
Although the solution to that query wasn’t provided along with this picture, it has now made us forever intrigued. It would make sense for East Asian nations to employ wholly distinct forms, nevertheless.
Elevation Levels In The United States
Almost everyone is aware that the United States has two mountain ranges that span from north to south, one on each coast. The size of those elevation variations is, however, put into perspective by this map. It also demonstrates how flat a large portion of the rest of the nation is. When contrasted to the Rockies, even the altitudes of the Smoky Mountains seem modest. There are also a few noteworthy locations tucked away in this region, such as the Ozarks.

Elevation Levels In The United States
Also unexpected were the elevation heights in Oregon and Washington state. However, it’s possible that the entire western United States is simply more elevated than the eastern United States.
The Human Body’s Levels Of Decay
We have no idea why you might require this visual aid, but in case you’ve ever been interested in the many stages of decomposition, someone has shown them here. The artwork is quite good and depicts the appearance of a body from when it is still alive till only bone is left. Again, I’m not sure who might require this, but someone training to be a coroner might find it handy.

The Human Body’s Levels Of Decay
Since it was done so nicely, it’s also kind of cool to look at. Even though it has a serial killer theme, the needlepoint work on the artwork is extremely stunning.
This Is How Taxing The Rich Actually Looks
Okay, taxes, particularly in the United States, can be really perplexing, and this graph won’t certify you as an accountant. However, it provides a useful illustration of how taxes truly operate as opposed to how we typically imagine them to. The chart simplifies things by using a straightforward square and accompanying colors. Even if the rate is 40%, for instance, it doesn’t necessarily follow that you will pay $40,000 on $100,000 of revenue.

This Is How Taxing The Rich Actually Looks
Instead, taxes are typically tiered or staggered, which results in you actually paying much less. The graph is merely a short tool to assist you in making an educated guess as to what that sum might be by year’s end.
Understanding Aircraft Lights
If you’ve ever seen an airplane going by in the night sky, you may have pondered why it has red and green lights. Actually, it’s so that other aircraft can quickly determine the plane’s location in the dark. The same rule applies to boat lights. This diagram describes each position’s appearance and what it would indicate to the pilot.

Understanding Aircraft Lights
A pilot would be alerted that a jet was approaching if, for instance, they saw a green light on the left and a red light on the right. They would also be aware of when to move aside.
How To Google Like A Professional
No, we’re not asking you to search for “chart” on Google, but if you did, you could use this handy guide to search effectively. There are built-in shortcuts or directions for using the search engine in a particular way. For instance, all you need to do to search within a range of integers is to separate the numbers with a few periods or full stops.

How To Google Like A Professional
You can include a search word in quotation marks to ensure that only pages containing that term appear in the results. Some of these have already been used by us before, and they truly do make a huge difference.
How To Tell People You Don’t Work For Free
When a friend asks you for a favor, it can be challenging to explain to them that you are no longer, or have never been, working for free. This short explanation, however, provides you with some typical phrases and words you can use to gently express that you won’t be doing something for free. Often, it suffices to simply mention the term “paid opportunity.”

How To Tell People You Don’t Work For Free
But you can also just inquire politely if anything is a paid assignment, which is usually the wiser course of action. The table also offers appropriate methods for declining unpaid work.
Helping A Friend Who Smoked Too Much
What to do if you have a friend who smokes a little too much is suggested in this chart. It has useful advice on how to comfort and soothe them, such as giving them peppercorns or taking them outside into nature. This is a wonderful method to get ready in case someone you know has a negative reaction to marijuana. Having a panic attack is never nice.

Helping A Friend Who Smoked Too Much
Keeping them hydrated, sitting them down to watch TV, and telling them to breathe are further suggestions. Not a bad chart to have on hand just in case.
These 3 Symbols Aren’t All The Same
Yes, neither the hashtag nor the pound sign is always present. This graphic highlights the subtle variances in this widely used symbol as well as its functions. The hashtag symbol is really a little tilted, as you can see from the picture, unlike the symbol we use on our phones or when playing tic-tac-toe, which is perfectly straight and aligned. Musical notes are represented by a distinct symbol as well.

These 3 Symbols Aren’t All The Same
When you see the sharp symbol on sheet music, it is stretched vertically. Now you are aware of how to make a hashtag symbol somewhat crooked if you ever need to write one by hand.
How To Take The Perfect Nap
Researchers have discovered that taking short naps every 15-20 minutes can actually increase productivity. This handy graph demonstrates how to get the ideal amount of sleep without feeling too groggy when you wake up or failing to sleep for long enough. Unexpectedly, the optimum time to nap is when you typically feel yourself getting a little sleepy.

How To Take The Perfect Nap
It also suggests that you drink some coffee before getting comfortable to sleep. You better hope you’re one of those people who can fall asleep as soon as you lay down since the caffeine in the coffee won’t start working until precisely when you’re meant to wake up.