The Top Picks For Places We Wouldn’t Want To Go To During Summer

Published on 07/07/2022

The Top Picks For Places We Wouldn’t Want To Go To During Summer

Everyone enjoys taking vacations, right? Unfortunately, a poor destination can make your trip go from fantastic to awful. But how can you possibly tell if a place is worth visiting when there are so many conflicting suggestions and Instagram influencers making everything appear like paradise? According to what individuals said online, we’ve put together a list of all the places you should avoid just for you. Where are you not planning to go this year, then?

The London Eye

The London Eye

The London Eye Ferris wheel, an ultra-modern, enormous eyesore, claims to offer the greatest perspective of the city. But in actuality, it’s not all that it seems to be. You can only go up after purchasing your costly ticket and waiting in line for a very long time. Additionally, there is no assurance that the weather will be favorable once you arrive, so you might just see gloomy clouds after a very long and monotonous ride. To put it another way, save your money and travel elsewhere.

The Great Wall of China

The only man-made structure that can be seen from space is the Great Wall of China, which is a well-known fact.
But as it turns out, both that and the idea that the location is worthwhile for travel are myths.
Alternatively, avoid going through the area close to Beijing.

The Great Wall Of China

The Great Wall Of China

The Great Wall is approximately 13,000 miles long, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find a less-touristy location to savor the distinctive architecture and take crowd-free selfies, even though it might be the more accessible segment.


We must strongly disagree with this ad despite the fact that there are many crowded and unattractive areas in Egypt, particularly in the vicinity of well-known attractions like the Abu Simbel temple and the Great Pyramids of Giza.



They seemed to be expecting Egypt to continue to be a flawless time capsule of the ancient world from 5,000 years ago and had made the decision to ignore the rich history of Modern Egypt, where genuine people are still going about their daily lives. They ought to have done their homework.


Italy is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and for good reason: it has a fascinating history, stunning ancient and modern architecture, a dynamic culture, and unquestionably mouthwatering cuisine.
Since no one could possibly refuse gelato.



However, given that Naples has regrettably earned a rep for being filthy and revolting, it appears that it might be wise to at least bypass the city that gave rise to pizza. Fortunately, there are still plenty of fantastic spots to explore in Italy. Furthermore, in our opinion, Roman pizza is superior.

The Mona Lisa

Leonardo da Vinci’s stunning picture, “The Mona Lisa,” which is arguably the most famous painting in the world (to the point that even non-art enthusiasts are aware of it), is something you should definitely forgo seeing the next time you’re in Paris.

The Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa

While the Louvre itself is unquestionably worthwhile, we advise against entering the room where the smiling woman is hanging. The actual painting is held behind glass and a barrier and is about the size of standard printer paper.
In addition, a million people are always present.

Machu Picchu

When you give it more than five seconds of thought, you realize how strange it is that antique building fascinates us as humans. It merely consists of the remains of structures that once housed residents. Yet we seem unable to stop staring at them.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

However, Machu Picchu has turned into such a tourist trap that there is rarely any fun to be had anymore.
It’s preferable to travel to Cusco, the Inca capital, where they truly resided, as this placard later advised.
fewer selfie sticks and better vistas!

The Grand Canyon Skywalk

The Grand Canyon Skywalk is undoubtedly an incredible architectural achievement, but that is hardly the reason why so many tourists go there each year. It promises to provide you with unmatched views of the great canyon’s natural beauty and the exhilaration of floating in the air.

The Grand Canyon Skywalk

The Grand Canyon Skywalk

The destination, however, is really more of a tourist trap than a location of interest because the experience has been exaggerated wildly. Spending more time and money on a hike in the national park will allow you to see the canyon privately.

Las Vegas

As the saying goes, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. “However, it shouldn’t be a secret how utterly depressing Sin City can be. It’s understandable that a city that places such a high value on success and failure is determined by chance would feel soulless.

Las Vegas

Las Vegas

Therefore, while some of the opulent hotels and casinos along the Strip are attractive and offer a variety of pointless diversions, the tourist-oriented part of Vegas isn’t all that intriguing. especially if you don’t truly enjoy playing cards, playing slots, or watching Elvis impersonators.


The capital of Dubai, Dubai, had a modest beginning. It evolved from a tiny, uncomplicated agricultural and fishing community into an extravagant skyscraper behemoth made of concrete, metal, and glass. The city is a well-liked travel destination since it boasts many five-star hotels and the Burj Khalifa, the tallest structure in the world.



However, that is mostly what it is: visually stunning. Underneath all those opulent structures, it frequently feels soulless and uninteresting, especially because the majority of its attractions are shopping malls with the same pricey luxury stores in each of them.


Funny enough, the movie titled after the city of Casablanca has made the city extremely popular (interesting fact: the movie wasn’t even filmed in Morocco). Although it has become the financial and economic hub of both Morocco and Africa, it is far from ideal for tourists.



Nowadays, organizations and corporations are considerably more likely to use it than tourists and other visitors, who should absolutely avoid it. Visit all the other beautiful and fascinating locations that Morocco has to offer, instead.

Calanque de Sormiou

Marseille, located in the picturesque and pastoral Provance, is a true jewel. It is one of the oldest continually inhabited cities in Europe and was initially founded by Greek settlers. But not all of the area around it is worthwhile exploring.

Calanque De Sormiou

Calanque De Sormiou

Despite appearing to be a spotless paradise on the water in every Instagram image, Calanque de Sormiou beach is really a packed tourist trap. Fortunately, there are other quiet beaches in the vicinity that are quite stunning. But maybe you should pass on this one.

Disney Parks

Every young child’s goal is to visit Disneyland, where they may experience the incredible rides and interact with their favorite cartoon characters. The “Happiest Place on Earth” may not be as magical as it is portrayed to be, though.

Disney Parks

The experience of visiting one of Disney’s many parks can be uncomfortable and unsatisfactory due to having to cope with absurdly lengthy lines, packed attractions, and unnecessarily pricey meals and souvenirs. Therefore, if you must go again, perhaps consider going in the off-season?

Niagara Falls

While being peaceful and reassuring, nature can also be mighty and amazing. And waterfalls, particularly the renowned Niagra Falls, are one of the best illustrations of the power of nature. Millions of tourists visit the spectacular falls each year, which are located between the Canadian province of Ontario and the state of New York.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Niagra Falls is one of the most industrialized natural sites in the world, so if you were expecting a virgin nature reserve, reconsider. In addition to being bordered by a developed city, it is also awash in artificial lighting and tourist traps. Not quite as organic.

Plitvice National Park

We won’t sugarcoat it: Plitvice is a truly stunning nature preserve. It is teeming with luscious green trees, magnificent waterfalls, and charming log bridges. The primary problem is that almost everyone is aware of that!

Plitvice National Park

Therefore, it is really difficult to locate a calm area apart from the other tourists. It’s still fairly crowded even in the off-season when the trees aren’t as green (but they’re still lovely). Krka National Park was offered as a lovely, remote option in a comment on this site.


Dear Paris! If you’re a huge lover of cheesy rom-com, The City of Love is undoubtedly one of those destinations that everyone says you have to see. There has been a great deal of romanticization of the cobblestone streets, the stylish sellers, the Eiffel tower, and all those baguettes.


However, the City of Lights isn’t actually all that amazing. Its abundance of trash, criminality and nasty individuals will do all in their might to dash whatever romantic aspirations you may have. But, as the locals would say, c’est la vie.

Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay, which has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is unquestionably a natural wonder with its myriad magnificent limestone islets (small islands) and naturally occurring caves. Additionally, it is unquestionably stunning in its natural settings and is worth the trek.

Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay

However, the surrounding harbor has been virtually taken over by tourist traps and attractions, including opulent hotels and resorts that are mostly deserted as well as pricey gift and tour stores. Instead of just relaxing and taking in the vista, you’ll wind up spending a fortune on crap.

The Blue Lagoon

Who wouldn’t like to relax in a lava pool above a natural spa? Any weary traveler would consider a dip into that to be nirvana. But because everyone who travels has heard of it, it is constantly crowded with visitors eager to take advantage of the special natural pool.

The Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon

Sadly, due to Iceland’s small population, there just aren’t enough infrastructure and services to handle all those visitors. That means that the Blue Lagoon is frequently covered in heaps of waste that was created by humans, which significantly detracts from the area’s attractiveness.

Lake Bled

Tourists are frequently left unsatisfied by destinations, mostly as a result of unrealistically high expectations that are incomparable to the actual experience. Slovenia’s Lake Bled is undoubtedly one of those places that you wouldn’t be as heartbroken by if you just took the time to fully learn what it’s like.

Lake Bled

Lake Bled

Lake Bled is a breathtaking location. But those who anticipate it to be a hidden gem will be shocked to learn that it is actually bordered by a bustling (and occasionally noisy) city. The city and its surroundings, however, have a ton of exciting and lovely things to offer if you can get past that.


We head back to Italy once more, this time to the renowned Pisa and its curiously tilted tower. Although there are many beautiful buildings in the city to see, everyone always seems to bring up the tower because it was a popular location for photos before social media.



But a packed square pales in comparison to the province of Tuscany, where Pisa is located. Traveling the countryside and visiting the vineyards and tiny Tuscan villages in its place would be far more worthwhile than falling for this tourist trap. Additionally, you would take much better Instagram shots among those grape vines.

Mount Rushmore

Even before we discuss all the drawbacks of the actual trip, Mount Rushmore is a really peculiar place to visit.
It was decided to carve the faces of four old dudes onto the Black Hills in order to destroy them rather than simply preserve their natural beauty as a nature reserve.

Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore

They are the nation’s founding fathers, and their work is tremendous. However, the travel and crowds aren’t worth it just to view the shockingly little engravings up close. Simply glance at a picture or pick up a history book. In any case, you would benefit more.

The Palace of Versailles

The French nobles, at least before they were forcibly expelled, were masters of palace decoration, if there is one thing you can say about them. And Versailles does a fantastic job of showcasing its luxury and majesty. Unless you count all the other annoying visitors…

The Palace Of Versailles

The Palace Of Versailles

When all we see is people putting up their phones to take pictures of stuff none of us can afford, it totally ruins our thoughts of living in such a glitz. Actually, for a better experience, it is much preferable to go to such lesser-known palaces and gardens.

Glass Beach

Nothing is more enjoyable and calming than spending a sunny day with your loved ones at the beach.
And it’s even better when it’s a stunning stretch of unspoiled wilderness as Glass Beach in California claims to be.

Glass Beach

Glass Beach

Sadly, the natural beauty of the area’s vibrant glass pebbles has been utterly destroyed by greedy individuals who took a few or twenty of them home with them. They took so much that the area is now as uninteresting as any other rocky beach.

The Atlantis Paradise Resort

On Paradise Island in the Bahamas, there is a huge, castle-like, ocean-themed resort called the Atlantis Resort.
Even while it appears to be incredibly opulent and regal, it is also a tourist trap and a bit of an eyesore.

The Atlantis Paradise Resort

The Atlantis Paradise Resort

It is also obviously designed to defraud tourists of every last penny. On the prosperity, there is a sizable marine and water park, but even that is wildly pricey. We advise you to forego it and spend your money on something more genuine.


Venice is a tremendously famous tourist destination for many good reasons, including the fact that it was constructed on top of over 100 little islands and appears to be floating between them. The city is bursting to the seams with rich history and culture because it served as the world’s financial hub during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.



However, it also means that even in the so-called “off-season,” it is crowded with tourists and hustlers who try to take advantage of them. While it is undoubtedly a sight to behold, be sure to carefully organize your vacation there and moderate your expectations to avoid being overly let down.


Split, Croatia’s second-largest city, has everything you need for the ideal vacation spot. It has a long history, is located on the Adriatic Sea coast, and has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was initially established as a Greek colony.



Sadly, all that means is that there are always loud, bothersome tourists around, along with the rubbish they produce.
Even though this poster disliked it, it’s still interesting to visit; nevertheless, it’s definitely best to go off-season.


Due to its wonderful tropical temperature, coral reefs, and captivating fauna and flora, Palawan, regarded as the best island in the Philippines, looks like the ideal vacation destination. Who wouldn’t want to visit the place?



But that’s undoubtedly a contributing factor to the issue; now that so many people have heard about it and want to visit it, it has turned into an overrun tourist trap that no longer lives up to the hype.


Therefore, we have a problem with this poster. Yes, there are many decrepit, filthy, and uninviting parts of India, but to say that the entire subcontinent is horrible would be a grave misrepresentation.



There are many attractive and interesting places that are well worth the journey since they are stunning, culturally distinctive, and surprisingly affordable. However, we do concur that on your next trip there, you should definitely skip Delhi.


Milan is the second-largest city in Italy, so one would think that it would be a popular tourist destination. However, it is not as popular as Rome or Florence. Milan is slightly different from the rest of Italy, where most tourists go to experience the history, culture, and cuisine.



Since Milan is one of Europe’s business centers, most of its visitors are there for business rather than pleasure.
Additionally, it means that anyone searching for a little more fun should avoid it there because it is extremely pricey.

Tegallalang Rice Terrace

Almost everyone who has visited Bali’s Tegallalang area for a holiday in recent years felt the need to take the ideal Instagram photo with the view of the picturesque rice fields in the background. Social media seems to indicate this.

Tegallalang Rice Terrace

Tegallalang Rice Terrace

But because it has grown to be such a popular influencer destination, it has been transformed into one of the greatest tourist traps in the world, with nearly every photogenic inch being commercialized and crammed full of people. Even though it appears to be a pretty photo opportunity, we might pass.


Long before teenage fans of the wildly popular Game of Thrones became aware of it, Dubrovnik, Croatia, had a remarkable and fascinating history. The old, walled city, which still resembles a medieval capital, has long been acclaimed for being in the city (hence why it was used on the show).



Unfortunately, it has lost a lot of its original attractiveness due to its excessive visitor traffic and the fact that the majority of its municipal money is spent on tourist attractions in the ancient city. Here’s a suggestion for city planners: perhaps avoid placing a gift shop on every street.

Antelope Canyon

Okay, we won’t lie: the Arizona Navajo Upper Antelope Canyo is utterly captivating. The five slot canyons in the region were created by the erosion of Navajo Sandstone over thousands of years as a result of flash flooding and other natural occurrences.

Antelope Canyon

Antelope Canyon

However, the never-ending queue of selfie-obsessed visitors makes the stroll across the stunning landscape unbearably painful. Even specialist photographic tours are offered by the persons in charge of what has merely become a tourist attraction! All we wanted to do was see the lovely rock formations.


Before being incorporated into what was then Prussia in 1866, Frankfurt, Germany was actually a city-state for almost 500 years. Therefore, it is obvious that the city has a tremendously fascinating past, including serving as one of the most significant locations for the Holy Roman Empire.



Sadly, it appears that some visitors are really unhappy to learn that, at the end of the day, it’s just an ordinary city with some older and some highly modern portions. Since it is a major international business hub, there isn’t much regular sightseeing to be discovered if that is what you want to do.


Shanghai, one of the largest cities in China, is located along the Yangtze River. Additionally, it is the world’s most populous city! Despite starting off as a fishing community, it swiftly developed into a metropolis because of its prime location for trade.



But truly, Shanghai is not the place for you if you’re in China and want to explore some less metropolitan culture. We advise leaving the city and embarking on an excursion into rural China if you want to see more landscapes, agricultural cultures, and less stunning architecture.


Jamaica is one of those Caribbean nations that, while it can be a great vacation spot for someone who just wants to relax, actually has a troubled past that might ruin a trip for anyone who considers themselves an ethical traveler.



Many islanders are underpaid and live in appalling conditions as a result since the island caters to wealthy tourists. Additionally, it implies that cleaning outside of popular tourist destinations isn’t given much priority. Remember that the next time you consider going there.

Multnomah Falls

Multnomah Falls in Oregon’s Columbia River Gorge is unquestionably breathtaking. Some of the most impressive waterfalls you may visit pretty simply are these enormous works of nature. That obviously suggests there are a ton of tourists at the location.

Multnomah Falls

Multnomah Falls

This user is absolutely right to note that at any one of the other waterfalls in the region, you’d have a much better perspective with way less unpleasant human distractions. So why not simply go to one of those?

Terracotta Army

One of the more intriguing archeological discoveries in the last ten years has been the Terracotta Army in Xi’an, China. As the name implies, it consists of an entire army of terracotta soldiers that were interred alongside the First Qin Emperor at some point in the third century BCE.

Terracotta Army

Terracotta Army

Unquestionably impressive! However, this commenter claims that the website itself truly doesn’t live up to the hype. It has turned into another tired tourist trap, like the majority of other major sights. We would save aside the cash from the vacation and spend it on a National Geographic subscription.

Masaya Volcano

Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua’s largest national park, attracts a ton of visitors each year who come to see the stunning and breathtaking active volcanoes. The location appears to be worth a visit based on images and videos posted on social media.

Masaya Volcano

Masaya Volcano

However, the internet isn’t real, and reality can be pretty depressing – especially if you travel all the way to the park only to be disappointed by the lack of any stunning lava eruption shows. What is the lesson of the tale? Don’t have too high of expectations.


Zanzibar has been promoting itself as the ultimate laid-back, tropical beach paradise vacation destination for many years in an effort to expand its tourism business. Some of the promises are fulfilled, but not all of them are.



It’s a bit odd that this poster was so unimpressed with the local cuisine given that Zanzibar’s primary industry is the production of spices. However, we are not surprised to learn that it isn’t the most LGBTQ-friendly area given the prevalent culture there.


Cuba’s capital city is frequently promoted as a relic of a simpler time in history. But in reality, Havana isn’t at all like that; rather than being a sentimental retreat, it’s a run-down city with subpar sewerage.



The truth is that there are much more effective ways to experience the past than traveling to a dusty, crowded metropolis. We advise going to a few museums or finding a history lecture. We promise that there won’t be any issues with sanitation.

Mount Everest

As the tallest mountain on Earth (above sea level), Mount Everest has long been seen as a challenge that could only be accomplished by the most experienced and powerful climbers. And those that succeeded were heralded as heroes.

Mount Everest

Mount Everest

Sadly, that’s not the case anymore. For those who can afford to pay a sherpa to do all the laborious work for them, Mount Everest’s peak has turned into a typical tourist trap. In fact, there is a photo line at the top! How absurd is that?

Sydney Opera House

Few structures can be recognized only from a picture, but the Sydney Opera House unquestionably qualifies.
Due to its extremely stunning architectural design, the performing arts center’s exterior is easily recognizable.

Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House

But the intrigue stops there. The very pricey tour isn’t really worth it because the interior is a completely ordinary and bland concert venue. Better to simply unwind by the waterfront and enjoy the breathtaking scenery.

Costa Rica

As you can undoubtedly guess, we find it challenging to eliminate an entire nation from our list since, despite the fact that a city may be disappointing to visit, we can’t help but think that there must be some compelling reasons to still travel there.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Therefore, despite the fact that this poster was quite upset with Costa Rica, we believe they may have overgeneralized. Even while not all attractions are worthwhile, there are still many stunning vistas that are worth another look. There is also a lot of history and culture to be discovered for those who look for it.


For hundreds of years, the region’s major urban hub has been Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The city is a well-liked travel destination because of its numerous historical landmarks (like Prague Castle, for instance), as well as its numerous museums.



However, the city can undoubtedly come across as dull and uninteresting after the grandeur and splendor of certain other European capitals. For those who experience travel-weary, keep that in mind while planning your next vacation and consider setting aside only a few days to explore Prague.

The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is more than just a briny pool. For Herod the Great, the renowned “lowest point on earth” served as the first documented health resort. Today, people still travel there to take advantage of the waters’ naturally curative salts and minerals.

The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea

But if you’re unprepared, it may also leave you with a bad taste in your mouth. It’s a dreadful spot to visit in the summer because it’s in the middle of the desert (so steer clear of it after early May and before late October). Additionally, it differs greatly from dipping in a typical lake. Remember all of that, and maybe your trip will go well.

The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal, which can resemble a palace from a Disney film, is actually the ultimate resting place of Shah Jahan, the Mughal emperor, and Mumtaz, his beloved wife. It’s stunning and magnificent, but it’s also expensive and crowded.

The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal

Innumerable con artists are also present and ready to exploit unwary visitors. We advise keeping your distance from the Taj Mahal and conserving your money to explore another sight in Agra, the Red Fort. With a small portion of the flaws, yet just as fascinating.